I think this will be my last

unplanned bacon

Jan 11, 2014
[sorry this is long and might even get removed depending on how the mods see it]

Windows based PC. I currently have in my basket on Apple UK's site (unless they've removed it from my basket) a Macbook Pro w. retina specced how I want it.

The question of how long can I last with Windows 8 as my main OS has been answered. 7 months. Windows 8 has pushed me and pushed me too many times (just see my threads from around February). Had so many random problems it's unbelievable. There are good periods of nothing being wrong with it until it breaks (and it will break). Never had a computer that has so many chronic issues (albeit intermittent) that all relate to one software vendor. If any software is to go wrong on this, it will be made by MS (be it Office or Windows itself). Every time I check my hardware with different pieces of software it always passes

Just tired of finding fixes for this, finding out why this doesn't, wondering what's wrong etc. Just want something that works and from my experience Apple products do just that and if you do have a problem they change your existing product for a new one, easy (I speak from experience). This isn't a new feeling of mine, if I hadn't built a PC I would have a Macbook right now, but I was talked out of it. I've been considering one for a long time to replace my laptop when it gives up, but so far I've been talked out of it. Windows 8 just seems to break at the tiniest of things and I can't be bothered to fix it anymore, because it can't be fixed (4 or 5 OS reinstalls told me that).

Either I have terrible luck, as not as good with computers as I thought or 8.1 is legitimately bad.

Bit of my computer history:
My first laptop (Acer something) was admittedly my fault. Died less than 4 hours in. McAfee and Norton software conflict
Dell Inspiron Q15R #1: Replacement for the Acer. Couldn't even run Word without crashing
Dell Inspiron Q15R #2: Shoddy build quality so it was dismissed
Packard Bell TS11 HR 39: Was prone to hard freezing. On it's first day it hard froze and and needed to be hard reset. Interestingly, family laptop on day 1 blue screened.

I've used Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista and 7. All those have been fine. 8 has not.

The cause of this thread? My Windows 8 apps have inexplicably broken again. None of them open. Command prompt shows no corruption. Add that to the list of problems I've battled with over 7 months and I've just about had enough. Tired of fighting Windows 8. Bet if I put 7 on there everything would be absolutely fine. I was considering Windows 9, but now I don't think so.

Not to mention I hear Macs keep their resale value, have good battery life and are well designed. More than I can say for Windows PCs. Thanks, Microsoft, you've done your job
Instead of spending a ton of money on overpriced sparsely supported Apple products, why not just load up Windows 7 onto your computer? It's a very simple process, and will restore you to the best PC operating system to date for a broad variety of tasks. Macs may have some advantages, but if you compare them to a PC of the same price, the PC will dominate it in every way every time, except for OSX if you like OSX. Even if that is the case, you can just turn your PC into a Hackintosh and have all the benefits of a PC on Apple's proprietary operating system.

I've thought about this myself and it's the reason why that Mac is in standby rather than in my room right now. What 8 has brought to the table has stopped me getting 7 on it, just it repeatedly breaks so much stuff. Maybe Windows 9 will get it right (it does have features found on Mac OS that I like and it does look). The hardware in my PC far outdoes what's on the Mac in terms of speed etc, it's just this one decision when I was building (which I almost zero hour changed to 7) that's letting it down massively...unless it turns out to be my hardware which would be awkward

And in some cases in the past it has done. But this many issues has never happened to me on any computer. I am the one who fixes them. If I can't do it, my more knowledgeable friends or Tom's Hardware will. Now, yeah, I get long periods of no issues or nothing of note, then I get an old issue which I dealt with come back with no rhyme or reason

Either I have terrible luck, as not as good with computers as I thought or 8.1 is legitimately bad.

I think you have had bad luck. I have used 8 on 2 laptops.

The first one was an ergo laptop which is dead due to a problem with its display cable which has always been the case
The second one which is an asus laptop which I have had for a year now works very well. The only problem I have had is a battery issue which is due to age rather than the os.

Hopefully 9 is better as they are in some series trouble if its not.

I've had a near flawless time with Apple products. Bought an iPod touch and it was perfect. The only problem I had was a bugged lock screen that flickered 11 months in. Went to the Apple store, had a new iPod within 7 days. That iPod has been one 24/7 ever since (other than when the battery has run out), no issues to report. Microsoft products on the other hand (Xbox included), major headache. Case in point, PS1, bought in 2000, still works like new today. PS2, bought in 2001, gave 7 years service before it couldn't go any further, Xbox 360, 11 months, dead (despite being looked after like a baby), 360 S has some drive issues in the space of 2 years. Similar experience with any Samsung products whereas Creative and Nokia just run forever in my experience. So, needless to say, I'm wary of buying anything to do with MS now, and am hesistant over buying Windows 9

I am not a fan of Apple myself, my wife is a huge Apple person. I have never had much of a problem with Windows based products. However I bought my wife and I both Samsung Note Tabs this past spring, and we both absolutely hate them. Undertand they are not Windows based, but still since you mention Samsung, terrible, terrible products in my opinion, but as I jokingly remarked to the original poster of this thread, it might be a user issue more than anything!

I do see your point. You have had a very experience with ms and sometimes I do to. I have actually crashed their os about 5 times well win 8, the other were better in my opinion. I think they should stop making this windows live tiles for non - touch screens and go back to 7.

I know before anyone says anything, win 8.1 can hide these but they are still running in the background which can lead to a slow laptop later down the line if you have a budget end laptop.

Currently, my computer runs fine, unless you want to access or download any apps (including settings). They just crash immediately and installing just gives an error. Maybe a reg cleaner got too aggressive at one point, but my registry has been put back to how it was before the problem and it still does it. The app problem predates any reg cleaner being on my system though as it's happened before. The store only works because of one of MS' fix it programs which also said there were some files missing, but didn't fix them.

sfc/scannow said everything is fine
dism did its thing, but problem persists
My next phone will be an iPhone or HTC. Samsung build quality and reliability is shockingly (see every Samsung device I've ever owned).

My next computer will come from Apple. I still need to fix this one though (I seem to spend more time fixing Windows 8 than using it) so it will probably see Windows 9 then I'm done. Just thinking about Windows 8 makes me rage and want to take a bat to my PC)