I used a 4 pin to power an 8 pin socket (Help)


Feb 19, 2017
So i built a new system about 2-3 weeks ago and i didn't have the money for a new psu and gpu so i just used my old ones my mobo had 8 pins for the cpu connector but my old psu only had 4 pins, i thought i could use it as a temporary until now. But Now I have the new Gpu and psu the system doesn't run as well as it should, could i have damaged my cpu or mobo?

Current system Specs
CPU - i5 6600k
GPU - Asus GTX 1060 Dual OC
Mobo - Gigabyte GA-Z170 Gaming K3
PSU - Corsair CX500M

yeah tried that do you know of anything else that could be causing an issue ?
EDIT looks like you covered this [strike].What kind of not running as good as it should are you talking about. [/strike] I would be interested in knowing if your video card is getting to 90 percent or higher under heavy load. If it is chances are your card is giving all it can and simply not as fast as you hoped for.

Can you ensure that your clock speeds under load are correct?

You can use something like GPU-Z to ensure your video card is running at full PCI-e speed(ie X16 @ 3.0) when under load as well. In rare instances the video card will get stuck at a lower speed(lower link speeds are normal at idle, but should jump up under load).
DDU will clean your system of nvidia drivers old and new, so it's the best method when installing a new GPU.
Also when installing the Nvidia drivers do a custom install and only pick the drivers you want to install, if you don't use Nvidia 3D or GeForce Experience ( which I personally never install ) then why install them

i just downloaded this software and played a game of H1Z1, the clock speeds were fine so was the temperature and the load only got to 16%.... anything else you would recommend ?


tried this and still no better, any other ideas?