ok. i used UEFI (Sabertooth z77) boostmod, and my computer keep freezes.
all my temperture stays really cool
Cpu about 17~30 degree on idle
and load 40 degree
GPU stays about 24 idle
and load 40~60
I have no idea why it keep crashes..
my specs
Sabertooth z77
EVGA gtx 680
SSD 128gb
16gb ram
and 750w corsair PSW
all my temperture stays really cool
Cpu about 17~30 degree on idle
and load 40 degree
GPU stays about 24 idle
and load 40~60
I have no idea why it keep crashes..
my specs
Sabertooth z77
EVGA gtx 680
SSD 128gb
16gb ram
and 750w corsair PSW