I want 3 monitors, I have one - 40". Help!


Aug 1, 2013
I have a weird question. I have a 40 inch computer monitor, but I've seen many gaming setups with 3 monitors. The thing is, that I want my setup to look like that:

The middle monitor is ment to be a 40" monitor, but I don't know, where I can get the other monitors, and what size monitors it should be. So, it should look like that:


So, what monitors will fit?

I know my english is horrible, I just don't know how to explain it

for best results you need 3 monitors of the same size and vertical resolution for it to work well.

with the setup you want to try the vertical resolution of the side panels will be 1920 instead of 1080 and so will display a lower resolution and look blurry and their horizontal resolution will be 1080 and with you using a large middle display with 1920. the pixels on the smaller screens are closer together so the side views will looks like the image has been compressed into a smaller space.
you wont be able to work a setup like that with gaming and make it look good as your graphics card basically tricks the games into thinking that its one single larger monitor of a resolution equal to the resolutions of the monitors.

by trying what you want to do all the aspects and resolutions are different and so will not work in gaming well and the side monitors will not use their native resolution and will look odd.
for best results you need 3 monitors of the same size and vertical resolution for it to work well.

with the setup you want to try the vertical resolution of the side panels will be 1920 instead of 1080 and so will display a lower resolution and look blurry and their horizontal resolution will be 1080 and with you using a large middle display with 1920. the pixels on the smaller screens are closer together so the side views will looks like the image has been compressed into a smaller space.