I want more fps but dont know wether to up grade.

Steve Geisel

Aug 8, 2015
So this is my build https://pcpartpicker.com/list/zPnM7W for my monitor i have an acer predator x34. im only gettting around 75 at the lowest and 109+ at the highest for rainbow six siege. im playing at 2560x1440. it seemed when i had the 980ti i was getting higher fps but my old gpu started artifacting so evga upgraded me for free. I was debating wether it would be worth getting a new one or should i wait for the next series.
I think that if anything is holding you back (provided there isn't another issue), it's the 1070 Ti.....because I think that CPU can handle quite a bit more than that.

Although....I don't know what other people are getting for frame rates....but I don't think 75-109 at 2560x1440 is all that bad.

yeah thats kinda what im thinking. before evga gave me the free upgrade from the 980ti i was contemplating on upgrading the card