i want more frames in CSGO!


Oct 17, 2015
Hey Guys, So today I'm asking you guys to help me out with my frame rate on CSGO. Currently im using a GTX 960 Turbo as my GPU and I'm currently achieving 110-140 fps. I know this is a lot but I feel like i can get more. All my video settings in CSGO are on the lowest possible.
Thanks Guys!
BTW guys I did find a few commands which do slightly increase my frames. These only work the CS:GO console (~):
cl_autohelp 0
cl_disablefreezecam 1
cl_disablehtmlmotd 1
cl_forcepreload 1
cl_freezecameffects_showholiday 0
cl_showhelp 0
gameinstructor_enable 0
mat_queue_mode -1
r_drawtracers_firstperson 0
r_dynamic 0
Lowering settings can be counter productive. Fps is all about the cpu, resolution is all gpu. When you lower settings, the gpu has an easier workload, so can demand more fps from the cpu. The cpu can only deal with so much code at any one time, so ends up inching closer to 100% usage on 2 cores, with 2 other cores dealing with windows etc. This maximizing of load on the cpu actually slows things down, so net result of lowering your settings is actually a lowering of total fps as the cpu gets swamped.

Instead, maximize gpu bound settings and minimize cpu bound settings like grass detail, viewing distance, move physX to the gpu etc. This raises the gpu workload, lowers cpu workload with a net result of increasing fps.
BTW guys I did find a few commands which do slightly increase my frames. These only work the CS:GO console (~):
cl_autohelp 0
cl_disablefreezecam 1
cl_disablehtmlmotd 1
cl_forcepreload 1
cl_freezecameffects_showholiday 0
cl_showhelp 0
gameinstructor_enable 0
mat_queue_mode -1
r_drawtracers_firstperson 0
r_dynamic 0

i would say if you can get higher than 60 fps then a high refresh rate monitor is the way to go. you will see a huge difference in how smooth the game plays, i know i would never look back after getting a 144Hz monitor so much so that i also bought a 240Hz monitor.