i want to buy a Graphics card


May 4, 2013
i want to upgrade my graphics Card , i am working on the follwoing softwares
Cinema 4d r14
After Effect cs6
photoshop cs6

and i want a grapgics Card suitable for my Graphics work which one of these card are most suitable for my work ????
1- SAPPHIRE HD 7850 1GB GDDR5 Dual-X
2- Gigabyte GeForce GTX 650 Ti OC 2GB GDDR5

also i hope to told me if there is another graphics card bettter than those cards and in the same price range.
note: i don't play games i works only on graphics softwares

although i see some comparsions between these two cards i see that HD7850 win with a big difference

If I am not mistaken, most AMD cards win by quite a margin when it comes to productivity software such as this?

EDIT: Not to mention the 7850 dominates nearly every benchmark compared to the 650Ti and Ti Boost edition.

Photoshop and after effects are well known for using cuda gpu acceleration from nvidia. Amd cards excel in opengl which is now also being utilised in photoshop.