1. It would be better to take that money and put it in an envelope every month rather than buying the actual part.
Once you have enough money, buy all at once.
1. It would be better to take that money and put it in an envelope every month rather than buying the actual part.
Once you have enough money, buy all at once.
There is a short (30 day?) return window on components with most retailers. You'll never know if one of the components you've bought is DOA or not until you get the last piece of the build and assemble it.
Plus, component prices are always dropping as new parts come out to replace them.
Or I'm wondering if I should just upgrade my PC that I have now. It's got an i5 750 @ 2.67 ghz. I already asked this question and the people of TomsHardware said I should just get a new PC. But my Dad is suggesting that I just upgrade my computer.
Or I'm wondering if I should just upgrade my PC that I have now. It's got an i5 750 @ 2.67 ghz. I already asked this question and the people of TomsHardware said I should just get a new PC. But my Dad is suggesting that I just upgrade my computer.
An upgrade for that means new CPU.
Which means a new motherboard
Probably new RAM
Probably a new GPU to with all that
A new PSU to power this
Depending on the games you want to play, the screen resolution, and the gfx card you have it paired with... it might still have some life left. What is the rest of your system? Motherboard make/model, PSU make/model, memory....
But right now, your biggest bottleneck is your gfx card followed by needing more memory. A faster gfx card alone will make make it a hugely faster gamer.
I was thinking of getting the Nvidia 1070 sometime after it comes out in June. When you say more memory do you mean regular RAM? or video card ram
System memory. (You can't upgrade VRAM on retail gfx cards.)
If this is your PSU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817162023
...it isn't a true 600W. It is a cheap over-rated PSU with a small +12V rail more in line with a 450W unit. You'll want to upgrade that if you start having issues with the new 1070.