[SOLVED] I want to catch a thief

Oct 13, 2021
Since I'm on a PC I had to install a third party webcam.
before anything, I am very much in the lane of give the person the benefit of the doubt. @ the moment I will not take action.
I took in a mother and her freezing son last year. they know where my valuables are and I hear them trying to crank it open... many things have gone already 'disappeared'
I will not claim charges I just want to be sure. and at most I will tell them this is not the place to stay.
any way I have installed a logitech c270 in the room in question.
what software will let me record on and on until the HDD is full?


No direct recommendation, but you are looking for a DVR suite. Basically a way to manage the recorded output of a camera. Should let you set how much storage to use before overwriting old footage rather than just running until full.