Hi,so i want to hear opinion on these upgrades/ideas.
First off i made many threads about mobo/cpu/ram upgrading so im not going to ask that,but i will be upgrading to this (the motherboard is not 130$,its around 80$) from i3 3240.
Now,need you opinions on this:
Since the motherboard i choose is Micro ATX,how much of it will be covered by Vertically mounting my GPU in this case?
The case supports up to ATX size,and the bracket i want is this one,which takes up 7 slot,so i think my GPU will cover up to the PCIe GPU slot?
I dont want see how small micro atx is,so i want to cover it up with my gpu,to seem like its ATX.I obviously cant afford a ATX one since H410 doesnt come in ATX,and the cheapest ATX is 160$ H470 board in my country.
Im pretty sure i answered my own question here,but i want to hear your opinions on this.
Oh yeah my GPU.
First off i made many threads about mobo/cpu/ram upgrading so im not going to ask that,but i will be upgrading to this (the motherboard is not 130$,its around 80$) from i3 3240.
Now,need you opinions on this:
Since the motherboard i choose is Micro ATX,how much of it will be covered by Vertically mounting my GPU in this case?
The case supports up to ATX size,and the bracket i want is this one,which takes up 7 slot,so i think my GPU will cover up to the PCIe GPU slot?
I dont want see how small micro atx is,so i want to cover it up with my gpu,to seem like its ATX.I obviously cant afford a ATX one since H410 doesnt come in ATX,and the cheapest ATX is 160$ H470 board in my country.
Im pretty sure i answered my own question here,but i want to hear your opinions on this.
Oh yeah my GPU.