I want to know if my motherboard would be compatible


Nov 12, 2016
Hi guys, I was wondering if you could help me know if my motherboard would be compatible with the next CPU i want to bought.

My motherboard is an
MSI760GMP23(FX) and i want to upgrade my CPU from an AMD FX-4300 to a AMD - FX-8350.


TBH no, I doubt the performance increase justifies the price for upgrading it. I would wait and save up for a substantial upgrade such as the 6600K or a Kaby Lake i5 when it releases.

What CPU do you recommend for my motherboard? I want a CPU who supports alot of gaming
@Karsten75, Interesting. I was just going by what MSI states in there specs as the 200W versions not being recommended to use on that motherboard. I would think if the limit was less then it would have been stated. Either way since it is a lower end motherboard the OP should probably avoid overclocking and use a budget aftermarket cooler.
@STAlpacino, what is your budget for upgrading? At this point your better off with a i3 over that FX since the performance per core is much better however you would need to change your motherboard and possibly your RAM if you were to look at Skylake CPU's.

if i have to upgrade my motherboard I'm going to buy an i5-6600k, but that's going to be a lot of money because I need a DDR4 Ram and that's going to cost much so I just want to upgrade my CPU to one that can support gaming, Do you recommend the FX-8370E I saw its on the test report.

TBH no, I doubt the performance increase justifies the price for upgrading it. I would wait and save up for a substantial upgrade such as the 6600K or a Kaby Lake i5 when it releases.

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