I want to upgrade my CQ5320F PC. i upgradeded OS to SSD and it works fine. Want to upgrade memory , power supply, video card e


Jul 29, 2016
I want to upgrade my CQ5320F PC. i upgradeded OS to SSD and it works fine. Want to upgrade memory , power supply, video card etc gradually. Do i need to upgrade Motherboard? Will I lose my windows 7 license, how to transfer it? Thank you in advance for all the answers
Can I use the EVGA 600W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply $30 ?
I just had a look on newegg at the prices of the bronze rated PSUs around the 400w and of a reasonable make. I have come to the conclusion that the EVGA 600w you asked about, for $30, would be your best deal. It's bigger than you really need, but that's ok, it's efficiency isn't too bad at lower power draw and a cheaper unit like that will last a lot longer if it's not being pushed too hard.

Just looked at the specs for your computer, it says it has 3GB of RAM. If you are using the 32bit version of Windows 7, then there is no point adding any more RAM as it has a maximum of 4GB, but from my experience it's more like 3.25GB usable.
If you upgrade your motherboard, you will need to buy a new licence.....it's not transferable, as basically it's a new computer at that point.
The EVGA 600W 80+ is a cheaply made unit, usually I would advise against it. However, if you are not intending to put in a large graphics card, then it's probably going to be fine as you won't use anywhere close to 600w.

Thank you for the response.
I have 3gb on and shows 2.75 usable. 64bit windows 7.

I want to upgrade to get better performance and dual monitor capability. Not very high gaming in mind..
Any recommendations?

Ok, a 64 bit OS, then you can easily increase that, 8GB is considered the minimum nowadays. You must be currently using integrated graphics, the missing 0.25GB of RAM will be reserved for the graphics.

As for the graphics card, any cheap card can run dual monitors, so it comes down to just what games you do play and the resolution you play them at......or if you are into high end 3D design work or video editing as them benefit from a better GPU too.
As for recommendations, for low end gaming at 1080p, a card like the GTX 750Ti would be more than capable, and at only ~60w doesn't require a big PSU. Or you can wait for the new cards that are about to be released, like the AMD RX 460, which should come in at under $100 and should be well suited for low end gaming and dual monitors. Whatever you go for, just check that the card has the output ports that your monitor/s can connect to.


Thank you. What psu would you suggest?
I just had a look on newegg at the prices of the bronze rated PSUs around the 400w and of a reasonable make. I have come to the conclusion that the EVGA 600w you asked about, for $30, would be your best deal. It's bigger than you really need, but that's ok, it's efficiency isn't too bad at lower power draw and a cheaper unit like that will last a lot longer if it's not being pushed too hard.


Hi , Just want to update that i have upgraded memory to 8gb and power supply to CX430 as it was on deal . Thank you for your pointers.

Now I want to upgrade the processor from amd athalon x2 to amd phenom x4 955 3.2ghz (my pc: CQ5320F) . Will it be good? how do i upgrade the BIOS, couldnt find it. Any inputs will be highly appreciated
I'm not all that familiar with the Athlon x2, does yours use the AM3 socket? Because the Phenom does. I would imagine a BIOS update would be required, be careful when doing this as a false move can brick your motherboard.


Yes Am3 socket.
I tried to just so bios update but it is grayed out for me. Doesn't let me get in for options.