My current PC:
OS: Windows 7 (64 bit)
Processor: Intel Core i5 CPU 750@ 2.67GHz
Memory: 4087MB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 VRAM: 2048 MB
Hard drive: 600GB
My PC is mostly about 5 years except for the graphics card which I got a few months ago when the previous one died. As the card is so much better than the rest of the PC I imagine that its being bottle-necked. So I want to upgrade the rest of the PC to match it. I use it for gaming and I'd hope to be able to play games like say the Witcher 3 on high settings. I'm thinking I'd want to upgrade the processor and maybe the RAM. I'd also want to increase the storage memory as with 600GB I only have about 50GB spare. What are your suggestions on how I should upgrade?
Thanks for the quick replies.
The resolution I use is 1920x1080.
The Intel Core i5-4590 Looks like a good option. I didn't think I would need a new motherboard but will my current one not fit the new processor? For Ram as I already have 4GB couldn't I just add another 4GB to get 8GB?
For memory would a 64GB SSD for the OS and 1 or 2TB harddisk be good?
Ok I think I will try just upping the RAM and storage. Using pcpartpicker ( I think I should be able to do this with my current motherboard. Given that I'll probably get a 2TB harddisk will getting a 64GB SSD for the OS actually help with gaming? After ive done this I can see if I still want to upgrade my CPU and motherboard.
OS: Windows 7 (64 bit)
Processor: Intel Core i5 CPU 750@ 2.67GHz
Memory: 4087MB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 VRAM: 2048 MB
Hard drive: 600GB
My PC is mostly about 5 years except for the graphics card which I got a few months ago when the previous one died. As the card is so much better than the rest of the PC I imagine that its being bottle-necked. So I want to upgrade the rest of the PC to match it. I use it for gaming and I'd hope to be able to play games like say the Witcher 3 on high settings. I'm thinking I'd want to upgrade the processor and maybe the RAM. I'd also want to increase the storage memory as with 600GB I only have about 50GB spare. What are your suggestions on how I should upgrade?
Thanks for the quick replies.
The resolution I use is 1920x1080.
The Intel Core i5-4590 Looks like a good option. I didn't think I would need a new motherboard but will my current one not fit the new processor? For Ram as I already have 4GB couldn't I just add another 4GB to get 8GB?
For memory would a 64GB SSD for the OS and 1 or 2TB harddisk be good?
Ok I think I will try just upping the RAM and storage. Using pcpartpicker ( I think I should be able to do this with my current motherboard. Given that I'll probably get a 2TB harddisk will getting a 64GB SSD for the OS actually help with gaming? After ive done this I can see if I still want to upgrade my CPU and motherboard.