Hey people
I`m lost on what to buy i dont really follow the latest hardware and i have a general idea on what to upgrade maybe you can could help me out, budget is around 1000. (I know i can still play games around high settings but my cpu bottlenecks some games like the new BF5 and i got a sweet new 144hz monitor)
GPU: GTX 1060
CPU: I5 6500
MoBo: gigabyte b250-hd3p-cf
RAM: Hyperx DDR4 2400mz 4 GB x 2 sticks
PSU: Sharkoon 600 WATT bronze rated
SSD: Samsung Evo 256 GB
In my opinion i think i should upgrade my CPU, MOBO, GPU and ram. I dont know if my PSU is strong enough for more powerfull hardware. Any help is appreciated.
I`m lost on what to buy i dont really follow the latest hardware and i have a general idea on what to upgrade maybe you can could help me out, budget is around 1000. (I know i can still play games around high settings but my cpu bottlenecks some games like the new BF5 and i got a sweet new 144hz monitor)
GPU: GTX 1060
CPU: I5 6500
MoBo: gigabyte b250-hd3p-cf
RAM: Hyperx DDR4 2400mz 4 GB x 2 sticks
PSU: Sharkoon 600 WATT bronze rated
SSD: Samsung Evo 256 GB
In my opinion i think i should upgrade my CPU, MOBO, GPU and ram. I dont know if my PSU is strong enough for more powerfull hardware. Any help is appreciated.