I want to upgrade my pc but I want to start with my motherboard, NEED ADVICE AND HELP


May 2, 2017
If I buy a new motherboard, I know im gonna need to buy another cpu. If ever I will buy a new motherboard, will it fit in my computer case? I wanna buy a new motherboard that supports intel i7 so that I can upgrade into a gaming build. What motherboard will it be? I hope the motherboard will supports GPU like gtx1080 so I can run games at ultra settings. I really dont know where to start to upgrade, i dont even know if the moetherboard ill be buying will fit the case. i really need suggestions and help.
Here are my current computer specs:
CPU - AMD a8-7600 with radeon r7
Motherboard - Hi-fi biostar a70u3p

P.S: I dont know anything about computer
yes the b250 does support gtx 1080. but only a 7600 or 7700 can utilize that performance. i would recommend the 7700. the g4600 will comparable graphics to ur r7 in the A8. nothing heavy. u would be good for dota 2 @ 50fps and overwatch @ 40-50 fps.

what is ur psu make ? i emphasis "quality" here
is ur case really small or big? assuming worst case scenario, i can sugest u a m atx mobo build if u give us ur budget n location. try ur best to tell us the case model so we can better optimise ur upgrade plan.
if u can tell us ur Hard disk, power supply info too, it would be great so that we can decide if we can reuse it.

PSU: 650 watts
hard disk is SATA 500GB
then the case is not that big, its handy if I look at it. I guess it look small. I see some cpu's a lot bigger than mine, i mean case not cpu. Where do I start to upgrade? How do I start to upgrade? I wanna play AAA games at ultra settings. Sometimes I lose hope and it comes to my mind to just sell this computer and my Playstation vita and buy a new pc that is for gaming. If No one can help me then I guess Ill sell everything I have to buy a new one. I live in the philippines, Im not that rich either so if u'd ask me about my budget lets say 200$(donverted into USD) If i sell my computer and my playstation vita I might get 400$. I dont know i can still buy a gaming computer. Maybe ill buy a gaming computer without a gpu, then the next thing ill upgrade will be just a gpu.
k, since u r not from US, i will give u some pointers.

CPU - Intel Pentium g4600

MOBO - a B250 m-atx mobo like Asrock pro4, MSI pro vdh just make sure ur mobo has hdmi and display port. i would suggest a mobo with 4 ram slots.

RAM - a 2400 mhz ddr4 ram from corsair, g.skill, crucial . go for 1x8gb or 2x4gb depending on the mobo and later upgrade to 16 gigs.

PSU - seasonic s12ii 520w, xfx ts, corsair cxm 550w. u can also go for 450w but when u upgrade, who can say? u mght need one with more juice. thats y get one with 500-550w

u can use ur old HDD. that g4600 got a nice Intel HD 630 graphics. should do for light gaming.
if u r gonna buy a gpu later. i would suggest that u wait till AMD Vega releases[ by this year end?]
that mobo supports till i7 7700. thats the best for gaming 😉

Does the mobo supprots gtx1080? Ill be doing upgrades in the future. Why is the psu 550 watts? I even have 650 right now, and my graphics sucks.
yes the b250 does support gtx 1080. but only a 7600 or 7700 can utilize that performance. i would recommend the 7700. the g4600 will comparable graphics to ur r7 in the A8. nothing heavy. u would be good for dota 2 @ 50fps and overwatch @ 40-50 fps.

what is ur psu make ? i emphasis "quality" here