I want to upgrade to an AMD Mobo/CPU.


Aug 7, 2016
Hey there, I'm fed up of my old Socket 1366 Intel i7 930, so I'm going to get an AM3+ board and I've undecided the CPU.
Firstly, I would like you to recommend a good AM3+ CPU for under £200?

Secondly, is this Motherboard decent?: https://www.google.co.uk/shopping/product/2186694920921619210?q=am3%2B+motherboard&safe=strict&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=949&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.129422649,d.d24&ion=1&tch=1&ech=1&psi=mBSyV_HQGoSvUO6XpeAK.1471288471077.5&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj874TakMTOAhXoIcAKHaKBCPcQ8wIIpgQwBQ I like Gigabyte so yeah...
If you have 200 euros for the cpu then id go with the i5 6500. Best your gonna get with 200. Its using intels latest architecture "skylake" an out matches anything your gonna find from amd with that price by a wide margin.
If this is for gaming i can by no means recommend replacing an intel socket for amd socket, As even am3 is pretty badly out matched by intels cpus. You just as well get a 1155 mobo an cpu an see much better performance.

Really though? I see AMD CPU's octa core ~4GHz for £200 when Intel's £200 are MUCH, much lower clock and core count. Am I missing something? (I'm not being condescending, I'm new to the PC Master Race, I'm by all means learning basics). Someone told me a socket 1151 would be better than a 1155 once, were they lying?
Theres alot more that goes into a cpu then GHz an core count. Each cpu is built with a architecture an intels is far better then amds. Intel cpus have much better single core performance then amds, Thats why amd includes so many cores to try an compensate. And they still fall short behind.

read some review.
or use this as a guide
If you have 200 euros for the cpu then id go with the i5 6500. Best your gonna get with 200. Its using intels latest architecture "skylake" an out matches anything your gonna find from amd with that price by a wide margin.
Your would be making only a small step up going from an i7 930 to an AMD FX-8350 (and that is with some good overclocking).

The 63xx/83xx chips are now 4 year old architecture that was slightly weaker then intel from day 1 (and much weaker now that intel has upgraded 3 times).
Now when they came out an fx-8320/8350 was an amazing bang for the buck, even more so if you were using all 8 cores/threads.

Bottom line, if there is any gain to be had, it was way too little to begin to justify the cost.

Just save up a little more and get intel skylake. A modern i5 would be a noticeable step up, naturally a Xeon or i7 would be even better.

In Pounds I can get an i5 6500 for £140. Thanks, I'll go with this.

Speed and core count is only part of the equation.
The efficiency of the architecture makes a huge difference.

Sure a modern Porsche and a 60s V8 mustang with built motor have same horse power, but that in no way means they are equal in a circuit/road race.