I will do ANYTHING to make my internet better, but WHAT?!


Jan 20, 2014
I live in Atascadero, California, and my internet SUCKS! I can't play minecraft Multiplayer if ANYBODY else is doing anything, email, minecraft, netflix, youtube ANYTHING! I am on wifi and when I rigged a CAT6 into my computer it just got worse!

Modem:Arris TM822 (Sent to me from Charter)

Router: Cisco Linksys EA6300

Here are the speed test results:

Ping: 15
Upload: 4.35
Download: 37.38

I know I am getting good speeds and all but I just cant do anything on minecraft! What type if internet is best for gaming? ex. DSL, cable ect.


I am going to be doing a youtube channel soon and I want to be able to stream and upload VERY fast! I am just SICK of bad internet and it seems i can NEVER get good internet. Is there some way I will be sure to get good internet, or does where I live just SUCK? Please tell me what I have to do to get good internet. Like all of the youtubers when they are moving they're like "Yeah my new house can get REALLY good internet!" How can I get that too?! I am just done with bad internet and I just HATE it! Sorry if I just dont make any sense at all. If you need me to re-phrase what I said please ask me a specific question so i can answer that. 😀


OK....from your link, that is about the lowest, slowest laptop you can actually buy new. Seriously.
You cannot play and stream on that thing. No way, no how.

Your internet connection of 37down/4up is fine.
Your laptop is not fine.

Were you expecting some other answer?
I meant to say specs of your computer. It could just be your Laptop. You definetly do not have a gaming laptop. It's on the lower end of laptops so I would assume that may be the reason why your laptop does not perform well when playing minecraft.
But for email, youtube, netflex, there shouldnt be any reason. Have you done a clean up on it lately? Also have you used a virus cleaner lately?

What are the specs of your PC?
How well is it maintained? Defragged lately?

Im a big noob. I just got the laptop a month ago. How would a gaming laptop have better internet? Also, Like I said I have a apple laptop too and It does have bad ping it just times out A LOT!

I don't know the specs I did link the amazon page I got it from. I have not dropped it or anything I restart it EVERY day. I do not know what or how defragging is.

OK....from your link, that is about the lowest, slowest laptop you can actually buy new. Seriously.
You cannot play and stream on that thing. No way, no how.

Your internet connection of 37down/4up is fine.
Your laptop is not fine.

Were you expecting some other answer?

Sorry, Didn't say that right. I am NOT going to be streaming on this thing HAHAHA that would be a laugh! I am saving for a gaming PC with a GTX 980 and a 4690k.... I just want to make sure I dont have this DUMB problem when I get that computer. Like I said the internet was worse with a CAT6 cable running into my laptop... So I thought it may be my internet because when I run the cable to the mac it works GREAT! Sorry I didn't phrase that right XD

Future gaming PC:

Any laptop that uses Windows works, so the HP pavilion should work too. Try using one, and just browse the web. If it is still slow, then it is Charter, and you should have them take a look at your internet connection. But if it runs well, then it probably is just your laptop that is at fault.
Then I would have to assume it is your Laptop that is the problem. Not alot of $200-$300 these days can handle games anymore. Even Minecraft might be too performance intensive for your laptop to handle.

Yeah I got it for school in the hopes I could play minecraft on it. Well thanks for the help guys! ;-;