i would like some help on my future build...


Jan 29, 2014
i am looking to build a great gaming pc in the near future and am wondering if this is it. i would like some help on if everything is compatible, if i have enough wattage, if anything should be changed for something that is better but for the same price, im pretty sure ive got everything but in case i dont remind me if im missing something too 😀 thanks in advance

Everything will work fine together, the only thing that I see that youcan change is the ram, you should change it because you will only need 16 gigs of ram for video editing and other demanding tasks such as this. You also might want to get a lower PSU to save a little money and maybe upgrade something else, but it is your build and your money so you decide what you want.
It's a beautiful build :bounce:

When you're done building, go here:
and download Corsair Link.
I used it to turn my H80i purple and less bright and to make the fans slower. It's also good for monitoring temperatures.

Don't forget to pick a solution...
one more thing is there a better graphics card for around 400? and if i go 2 way should i just get a graphics card for around 800 instead of 2 400s?

or would a 800$ gpu be stupid since within the last couple years they have sky rocketed?
Your monitor works at 1980x1080. A single GTX 770 is good enough IMO. Add another if you start using two monitors or upgrade to 2560x1440.

Two GTX 770 ($400 each) will in fact beat a GTX 780 Ti (which is $700+).

A better card than the Gigabyte GTX 770, but under $400? There's an eVGA GTX 770, but it's debatable if it's actually better. It's the same thing, running at the same clocks, except with a different cooler (both coolers are excellent, mind you).
I will be running a 32inch along side that monitor and am curious how 2 screens work together on one game... The 32 inch will be at a little lower specs then the monitor and am also concerned about the closed loop system I don't want it to leak 🙁
Some people play on 3 monitors - google nvidia surround or amd eyefinity. I only have room for two 🙁

If you're not comfortable with the water cooling, get an air cooler instead. For the price of an H80i you can even get a top of the line Noctua NH-D14
It's an air cooler, no leaking, it cools just as well as the H80i, it's quieter too.

There's also the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo. It won't beat the NH-D14 but it's cheaper and smaller.

Do you think the eyefinity is worth it? And I look at that cooler and this one Phanteks PH-TC14PE but I'm not sure which is better most reviews vary and I was leaning towards this one because of the customization

About eyefinity - it depends. Personally, I have two monitors, running at 2560x1600 and 2560x1440. That's 8 million pixels already and I never felt the need for more. I don't have room for a third monitor on the desk anyway. So, no, I have absolutely no interest in eyefinity myself.
On the other hand, somebody with two 1080p monitors (2 million pixels each) could very well want a third, why not.

The PH-TC14PE: I think it's overkill. $94 is a lot for an air cooler, especially for somebody who doesn't plan to overclock the stuffing out of his CPU.
BTW, your latest pcpartpicker link shows GTX 770. It's called "nVidia Surround" for nVidia cards. Eyefinity is AMD's version. I thought I'd mention it in case you want to do some research on it.
I do thanks 😀 and I do plan on over clocking which is why I went with water cooled but again rather not have to worry about it leaking... Also forgot to ask if there is built in WiFi with the motherboard or something.. Do you think the PH-TC14PE would do just as good as the h80i in terms cooling btw there will be plenty of fans in this 1 side 1 front 2bottom 1 in the middle of the case(it allows for one) and 2 on top 1 in the back so I'm worried about airflow more if it will match the h80i
Just read it and great! Just what I was looking for! Why couldn't I find that? O well. Now for WiFi how would I be able to get WiFi on that MB or would I have to find a new altogether if I wanted WiFi?
is there a better monitor for that price?
and what would be best for a wifi plug in?

also trying to find knowledge if that cooler will interfere with my ram?