i2600k with a GTX 580 SC... upgrade to 970?


Feb 28, 2016
a normal build from a few years ago...

WIN 7/10, i2600k, EVGA GTX 580 SC, 8GB DDR 3 RAM. WD Caviar Black HDD...

new games are crushin my card... how much performance could I expect with a standard 970?

that is the answer I as hoping to hear... ive looked at benchmarks... they just don't tell the tale I guess I wanna hear... I wanted someone who has done the upgrade. thnks

and thanks for that great link. just what I needed to see!
I've used a GTX 460 1GB, a GTX 780 and now a GTX 980 Ti with this 2600K over the last 5 years I've had it. I've never kept a platform that long before and I literally am waiting on my new Skylake build to be shipped to me right now. I finally upgraded more because I'm on a P67 motherboard than for the CPU performance upgrade.

Glad to help! :)