And again, you're trying to win an argument by attempting to attack character, not by bothering to show that your point was correct.
Yes, a gaming computer is going to draw more wattage... that doesn't matter. My point was that power supplies run more efficiently as the wattage increases, so saying that drawing more wattage is going to burn out the power supply faster is absolutely ludicrous.
The reason I called you out for not giving any backup to your claim is because you're making quite obviously outrageous, false claims - this is the same reason you are a fanboy, despite having built AMD rigs in the past - you're slandering and spreading misinformation.
Yes, I have an intel rig. That doesn't mean I have to claim that AMD is horrible and will ruin a computer.
As for the rest of it... History doesn't really matter that much, and we apparently started building computers at the same time anyways. I think I still have an old agp Matrox graphics card laying around, if you'd like me to ship it to you. The only name I called you is that of a fanboy; which I still hold true. I did not call you any other name, unless you took offense to my use of 'kid.' I did not mean it to be disrespectful, I was trying to emphasize a point that I was arguing against a person who was, for all intents and purposes, talking as though they were such, by repeating false rumors with no backing.
That being said, claiming that you're educating me in building a computer by defending false claims with unrelated evidence, or claiming that you're educating me in manners... I've been nothing but respectful once you asked for it, and have been met with nothing but hostility and condensation.
mikeep84, I apologize for derailing your thread with all this. Suffice it to say that an AMD chip will not cause your power supply to die faster, nor will it die faster itself. I'd recommend it in this scenario due to it having two extra cores in a case where it matters, but the choice is ultimately up to you.