My Specs:
- i3-3220
- HD 7850 2GB,
- 16 GB & 1600 MHz (2x8) RAM
- 1 TB Toshiba HDD
- 400W PSU (original asus has a coil inside)
- Motherboard: Wibtek H61MX 1155Pin
- Windows 8.1 64bit - Tryed a lot of amd drivers, nothing changed.
- Arma3
- Battlefield 3
- Fortnite
- DayZ Standalone
- (Maybe PUBG soon.)
[A:] I put screenshots below. My monitor supports 1366x768. In this resulation i think i got bottleneck. its not happening only in csgo, other games too. If i enable the amd vsr and make the resulation 1920x1080, using gpu is going up to %90~%99 but fps drops and low fps coming up too and my cpu always hot with this gpu.
[B:] OR another way: Could i5-3470 or i5 2500 fix my problem ?
Thanks for every help. sorry for language maybe
- i3-3220
- HD 7850 2GB,
- 16 GB & 1600 MHz (2x8) RAM
- 1 TB Toshiba HDD
- 400W PSU (original asus has a coil inside)
- Motherboard: Wibtek H61MX 1155Pin
- Windows 8.1 64bit - Tryed a lot of amd drivers, nothing changed.
- Arma3
- Battlefield 3
- Fortnite
- DayZ Standalone
- (Maybe PUBG soon.)
[A:] I put screenshots below. My monitor supports 1366x768. In this resulation i think i got bottleneck. its not happening only in csgo, other games too. If i enable the amd vsr and make the resulation 1920x1080, using gpu is going up to %90~%99 but fps drops and low fps coming up too and my cpu always hot with this gpu.
[B:] OR another way: Could i5-3470 or i5 2500 fix my problem ?
Thanks for every help. sorry for language maybe