I3 4170 Gtx 650 ti 2gb bottleneck


Jun 1, 2016
Hi, i've been playing csgo for quite some time. I usually have 130-200 fps in cs and I don't like the big fps jumps the whole time. When i change settings from high to low I GET NO FPS CHANGES (for some reason on high i get more fps than on low +20 or so). Tbh i feel like either cpu or gpu is bottlenecking but idk. Would love some help.
P.S side question, what should I upgrade in my pc?

GPU: Gigabyte gtx 650 ti 2gb oc
Cpu: i3 4170 3.7ghz
Mb: asus z97-p
Ram: 8gb 1800mhz kingston black
You're still going to get a big FPS range, just a higher one.

Do you NEED an FPS that high?

One option to try is to force FAST SYNC ON if you have a 60Hz monitor. That will lock the game to multiples of x60 (i.e. 120FPS or 180FPS). That may or may not be better.

NCP-> manage 3d settings-> .. add game-> (fast sync)-> SAVE (then verify with FRAPS or other FPS indicator)

1060 3 gigs is a bit over 230 euros, dont have that budget atm. Was thinking something i can get for around 150...gtx 960, 1050 or smthn like that.
You're still going to get a big FPS range, just a higher one.

Do you NEED an FPS that high?

One option to try is to force FAST SYNC ON if you have a 60Hz monitor. That will lock the game to multiples of x60 (i.e. 120FPS or 180FPS). That may or may not be better.

NCP-> manage 3d settings-> .. add game-> (fast sync)-> SAVE (then verify with FRAPS or other FPS indicator)

I guess that helped me, I now get a stable 119-120 fps. Thanks!
BTW in nvidia control panel there wasn't a fast sync option under vsync, i used Nvidia Profile Inspector

FAST SYNC is listed under "Vertical Sync" at the bottom. It's just called "Fast".

Make sure you aren't under the "Global" heading but rather "Program Settings" so just changing one game.