I3 4170 RX 460 for bf1?


Feb 3, 2017
My dad has always been saying to me he's wanted a gaming PC and when he saw me playing bf1 he was amazed as he is very interested in war and weapons. He currently lives in Northern Ireland and I live in England so he regularly visits and has said he would love to play BF1 with me from his house. My rig is a 6600k and RX 480 but I can't afford to get him something that powerful. I have an old i3 4170 and (I don't know how) 5 4gb ddr3 sticks. I have a motherboard and cooler master 103. I've been looking at a RX 460 to buy for him with a 500w PSU, 1tb HDD and a cheap case that will do the job. I'm not made of money and I'm just about to turn 14. I am looking to surprise him. The PC will be a i3 4170, 16gb ram and RX 460 (4gb), would I be better getting a GTX 1050 though?Any idea how this will perform at 1080p in games like BF1 and world of tanks as I have an old monitor lying around gathering dust. Sorry for my life story ^^ XD
G4560 $60
8gb DDR4 2400mhz RAM $50
h270m/b250m Motherboard $80
GTX 1050 Ti $125

That, for example, could play BF1 on high settings with an average 60fps.

but, adding a gpu to the current pc seems like it would perform poorly even by lax standards.

Sorry, currently on a boat visiting my dad. He is not fussed at all about maxing out everything. I suspect he would be okay with 40fps plus on any setting. He's not the type of person to be fussed about ultra 60+fps but he wouldn't want it so choppy to the point its unplayable. Would I be better though getting a 1050 or the 460? I will be bringing some parts with me and ordering parts to his house as his girlfriend would be in on it so i could get them put in her name.
G4560 $60
8gb DDR4 2400mhz RAM $50
h270m/b250m Motherboard $80
GTX 1050 Ti $125

That, for example, could play BF1 on high settings with an average 60fps.

but, adding a gpu to the current pc seems like it would perform poorly even by lax standards.

the fact that you do not need an overclocked skylake i5 in order to play bf1. not only can you play it with a dual core that has hyper-threading... you can do so on high settings and rarely drop below 30fps

I disagree. Besides, I don't see any proof you speak of.