i3 6100 for basic internet pc?


Nov 4, 2016
My Mum's laptop has had it and I'm thinking of building a basic internet PC for her to run facebook, email, you tube and bbc news etc netflix if possible,

Would an i3 6100 be good enough to do this and are on-board graphics enough?

For the motherboard im thinking a cheap and cheerful £40-50 micro or mini atx.


You could, but for the small price, difference, I would buy a 2 x 4gb kit.
Integrated graphics performs better with dual channel ram.

Also, why not go for a top quality really compact case?
7.6" x 11.42" x 8.2"
Lian li PC-Q07?

That might even be a bit overkill.
A Pentium G4650 would do just as well, for less $$.
Yes, an Intel Core I3-6100 would be more than enough for all the usage you stated above. You could probably go with a Pentium G series processor. Here's a build that would be more than enough:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Pentium G4560 3.5GHz Dual-Core Processor (£54.82 @ BT Shop)
Motherboard: Asus - PRIME B250M-K Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (£59.39 @ Aria PC)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws 4 series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2400 Memory (£59.30 @ Amazon UK)
Storage: Crucial - MX300 275GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (£85.55 @ Aria PC)
Case: Antec - VSK2000-U3 HTPC Case (£37.80 @ Novatech)
Power Supply: FSP Group - 300W 80+ Certified TFX Power Supply (£49.08 @ Amazon UK)
Optical Drive: Lite-On - iHAS124-14 DVD/CD Writer (£11.85 @ Amazon UK)
Operating System: Microsoft - Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit (£83.94 @ Aria PC)
Total: £441.73
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-06-01 22:27 BST+0100

-Wolf sends
Thank you USAFRet i didnt even consider a pentium before and its got good review.
Thats very helpful Wolfshadw thank you for that.

I like the idea of the nuc 13thmonkey but she will want a op drive so i would probably get a thermaltake micro atx case and an asus op drive. Thank you though.

Yeah an NUC might be up your alley, you'd have to buy an SSD and RAM for it, but it should still end up under $400.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Memory: Crucial - 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2133 Memory (£56.54 @ Ebuyer)
Storage: Western Digital - Green 120GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive (£52.34 @ More Computers)
Total: £108.88
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-06-01 22:51 BST+0100

You could, but for the small price, difference, I would buy a 2 x 4gb kit.
Integrated graphics performs better with dual channel ram.

Also, why not go for a top quality really compact case?
7.6" x 11.42" x 8.2"
Lian li PC-Q07?
I think that non functional features like size and noise will turn it from 'thanks son another box' into a wow machine and not necessarily cost more. If you need an optical drive consider an external usb one just sitting on top of it. (I really like NUCs by the way).