I am looking to build a new computer for browsing watching 420p-ish Videos. I prefer to shop at Tigerdirect.ca or Newegg.ca if price+shipping to Canada is cheaper. Some of you may think this is a bit overkill for my needs but I want no lag and I want it to be future-proof. I have no need for a Graphics Card.
I need reccomdations to go with the following parts:
Intel core i5 2500 - Tigerdirect $189.99
Coolermaster Haf 912 - Tigerdirect $59.99
Corsair CX430 - Tigerdirect $19.99 w/rebates
If possible I would like the motherboard to have...
Integrated duel graphics (VGA&DVI) or (VGA&HDMI) or (DVI&HDMI)
USB 3.0
PCIE X16 - at least 1 for future use.
I don't need a blu-ray drive, a HDD more than 500gb, an SSD, graphics card.
Price includes $99.99 for Windows 7 Home Premium.
Any reccomendations on changing parts, better prices, or if necessary (i'm a 1st time builder), my utter stupidity, feel free to ask/comment.
I need reccomdations to go with the following parts:
Intel core i5 2500 - Tigerdirect $189.99
Coolermaster Haf 912 - Tigerdirect $59.99
Corsair CX430 - Tigerdirect $19.99 w/rebates
If possible I would like the motherboard to have...
Integrated duel graphics (VGA&DVI) or (VGA&HDMI) or (DVI&HDMI)
USB 3.0
PCIE X16 - at least 1 for future use.
I don't need a blu-ray drive, a HDD more than 500gb, an SSD, graphics card.
Price includes $99.99 for Windows 7 Home Premium.
Any reccomendations on changing parts, better prices, or if necessary (i'm a 1st time builder), my utter stupidity, feel free to ask/comment.