I5 2500k and GTX 1070


You need to take your monitor into account. the best way to look at it would be:
1080p 60Hz => 480
1080p 144Hz => 1070 is you actually want to hit 144Hz in almost anything AND have a very powerful CPU, 480 if you can tolerate less or have a less powerful CPU(this would be...
i5 2500k @4.4GHz will have impact on the minimum fps. I5 2500k would bottleneck the GTX 1070 on some games but not yet something you should badly worry about.
The impact is also to be noticed that it is game dependent.
If you ask me... yes! I would still keep the i5 2500k and pair it with GTX 1070.


wait for rx 480. seriously people, i cant understand why somebody in this earth buy a gtx 1070 existing rx 480...

The answer is for 1440p and above and, for those that want to guarantee maxing out 1080p 144Hz.
Also, some people have G-Sync monitors and/or prefer Nvidia generally.

I'm leaning towards Nvidia with this one for these reasons
1) Crossfire RX480 would be $400 while a single gtx 1070 is $379
2)Not all games support crossfire
3)I already have AMD so I want to go with NVIDIA
We will see tho :)

It's pretty clear the 1070 is a better GPU. I don't know what you are talking about. It sounds like you are buying in to all of AMD"s marketing hype.
RX480 and GTX1070 are on the same price/performance level.
GTX1070 is the more powerful one.
It depends on your need, RX480 is perhaps already enough.

Note: At the moment, 1070's price is a bit crazy due to high demand but it should go to the planned price level in the next 2-3 months.


You need to take your monitor into account. the best way to look at it would be:
1080p 60Hz => 480
1080p 144Hz => 1070 is you actually want to hit 144Hz in almost anything AND have a very powerful CPU, 480 if you can tolerate less or have a less powerful CPU(this would be you)
1440p => 1070
4k => wait for a better GPU(maybe the 1080 Ti if/when that surfaces)

Also, if you lean towards Nvidia, but are just on 1080p, it's a pretty safe bet that they will put out a 1060 to match the 480.
The 2500k with a 1070 works fine. My 2500k runs 4.3GHz with a overclocked 1070 and pulls better results in unreal heaven than a mate with a 6600k and a overclocked 1070. With us both running 4k and everything set to max in unreal other than AA the 2500k rig scored 905 vs the 855 of the 6600k

It will bottleneck slightly, with my 3570k @4.3ghz I've noticed some but mainly in games that hammer the CPU over 80% average, looking at you BF1/BF4/Six Seige.

The reason why is because Uniengine Valley/Heaven doesn't use the CPU barely which is why the bottleneck doesn't show.
i5-2500k @ 4.5ghz, evga 1070 sc, 16gb ddr3 @ 1866, SSD, w10x64: 94.1 FPS
i5-2500k @ stock, evga 1070 sc, 16gb ddr3 @ 1333, SSD, w10x64: 92.3 FPS
both tests at 1080p, all ultra/extreme, 8xAA, maxed out all possible settings.
note evga 1070 sc is factory overclocked slightly (about 100mhz).