i5 2500k freeze crash problem

Aug 17, 2018
Hello, please, I need your help, thanks for providing the opportunity to ask questions for this fear

I have an i5 2500k I bought it used not long ago, I'm testing it, first the video intel driver gives me problems, with i3 I could place resolution 1280x1024 and in this I can not update drivers and still nothing.

Now I am playing and the computer freezes completely I get stuck and does not do anything in fact the sound also sticks and I have to turn it off forced directly from the button, it is worth mentioning that I have it OC to 4.2GHz i5 2500k corsair h60 cooling system 24gb ram ddr3 1600mhz - But, I have a source of power that I think is generic is BRAND: DELTA ELECTRONIC MODEL: DPS 180KB-13. I do not know if this is limiting me the voltages and this total freezing of the computer occurs. I also have an HDD but it is a bit damaged because HD sentinel says (RISK) Yes, I have to change it, but this should only give me jerks and not stick as it does, help please :(

Now I will try to play without OC if it freezes or something
Aug 17, 2018

Hello, Thanks for answering brother, Well here I am running without OC in fact at 3.31Ghz. The maximum temperature is 60c. But even so I enter the game as soon as I start the game this freezes me again. Sometimes it lasts longer and freezes, but I have already entered 3 times and the 3 beginning it freezes. If reinstall windows again, in fact I had w10 this happened to me, change to w7 thinking it was the windows and it remains the same.

I'm investigating, this seems to be when a PC needs more performance from the power source.

Gigabye Z68A-D3H-B3 V1.3
Corsair DDr3 1600MHz 24GB
Cooling system corsair H60
i5 2500k
Source of power (Apparently it is generic I do not know yet): DELTA ELECTRONIC MODEL: DPS-180KB-13 http://www.itwinkle.com/hp18posub.html