i5-3230 and Geforce 610m Questions.

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Apr 4, 2011
So, I'm testing my gpu and watching temps and I'm confused about something.

When I have a dual gpu notebook as this one, are both gpus being utilitized?

I ask this because The gpu temps on the integrated unit are reaching 75c, while the Nvidia gpu are only reaching 55-60c.
Yet, I don't read much about the % of usage for the integrated gpu (less than 10%), and the processor cores are showing at 50-60c.

Software: Furmarks benchmark, GPU-Z
Log snapshot. http://imgur.com/b2m9asl



The thing is, if you view the image the dedicated gpu is showing usage, while the integrated is only showing 1%. Yet the dedicated is only 50-60c and the integrated is far beyond that. It's not making any sense. Games are indeed utilizing the dedicated. But, something is affecting the integrated's temps.

it could be the chip sensor is reading it wrong or that its to close to both gpu and intergrated and makes the other chipset hot

try running hw monitor


I ran PC monitor and watched in my phone as well. It showed the "cpu package" was at 74. But, both cpu cores were only around 60. After looking into it. I determined cpu package must be be the integrated gpu. This is strange either way. I will test with hw monitor once I get home.
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