i5 3450 bottleneck?


Mar 2, 2014
Will the i5 3450 bottleneck gtx 980/1070? Will i be able to use the existing 750ti as a physx card on this mobo?

i5 3450
8GB ddr3 1600mhz
Gigabyte b75m-d3h
Asus gtx 750ti ph 2gb

Yep. The b600 has PCI-e 6+2 Pin x 2. I wouldn't recommend using a 750Ti as a physx card. the gain is negligible and can perform worst in most cases.

It will bottleneck on more CPU dependent games. i5-3570 can be had used for less than $100 which would help quite a bit if you plan on going for a higher tier GPU but it's not mandatory.
On a few CPU intensive games (like BF1) your CPU could bottleneck the card a little bit (you will still have noticable gains over a 970/1060 so it is worth it still).

Now make sure you have a good quality power supply (not just a high wattage number on a sticker, but a power supply with quality internals).

Yep. The b600 has PCI-e 6+2 Pin x 2. I wouldn't recommend using a 750Ti as a physx card. the gain is negligible and can perform worst in most cases.
