i5-3570 Upgrade GPU Advice


Oct 27, 2017
I am looking to upgrade my GPU first in my PC, with the future in mind. I want to get the best possible card this CPU can operate, knowing that a CPU/Motherboard upgrade is next and so on.

I am looking at the GTX 1070 or 1060 but would go higher if my computer can handle for the next year or two as I slowly upgrade.

Current Specs:
i5-3570 @ 3.4 GHz (Can OC to 3.8)
AMD Radeon HD 7950
ASRock H61M-HVS Motherboard
2x4GB dual channel DDR3 Ram

Your input and help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you
If this gfx card purchase is designed for a future build, it would depend on what that build was. And what your budget is. That said, the i5-3570 should be able to keep up with the GTX 1060 now. The GTX 1070 will be slightly bottlenecked in some games at higher resolutions with some higher in-game settings. The screen resolution of your display will make a difference too as to bottleneck issues.

I am running 1080 right now but as with anything when upgrading will look to 1440/4k eventually


Then you better not get anything less than a GTX 1070. Two of them in SLI for 4K. I'm assuming this will be used for gaming.

Yes this will most def be used for gaming almost exlclusively, thank you for your help, can it run 1080?

Im sorry I meant GTX 1080