I wanna start by saying i am really not that good with computer stuff.Recently i got rid of my fx 4100 and got a i5 3570 and a mobo.I am tight on money,the guy who sold me the mobo gave me a cpu fan "Deep Cool CK-11508" As a gift and i thought this could not be worse than a stock fan,i wont OC nice deal! After putting the system together i checked the cpu temp and it was around 40 at idle and 70 when gaming.This cpu is 77w but my 95 w fx 4100 with its death,dusty fan was much cooler than this.Then i checked the fan's website and there it said "Deep Cool CK-11508" was for 65 w cpu's.Learning this and seeing those temps made me thinking i should change this fan but i really dont have the money.So my question is will this be a problem? Can it be really worse than a stock cooler ? I used the paste under the fan when it came out of the box,can i lower the temps 7-10 degrees if i get a nice thermal paste from friend and go on like that?(Really tight on money) Sorry for my english and long post.