I5 3570k Temp danger.


Jun 23, 2012
So i read on many forums that cpu should not go over 60 degrees temp and some say 70. My processor is the i5 3570k overclocked to 4.2gz using the stock cooler. For a year now i have used it at this settings and never bothered to think of it's temps till i looked the other day. Idle it averages at 35-40 degrees c. Under use 50-60 (depending on the games i play) The game i play most GW2 usually keeps it at around 55-61. Which sometimes goes over 60. I'm wondering if that's ok? Or is this the danger mark and i should get a new heatsink/fan? Would love to keep my 4.2gz speed 😀

Thank you.
Yeaaaaah this is absolutely fine. The cooler it stays, the longer it'll last. But these things are built to run at arond 80 degrees on the cores, so your temps would be absolutely fine, nothing to worry about dude :)
Yeaaaaah this is absolutely fine. The cooler it stays, the longer it'll last. But these things are built to run at arond 80 degrees on the cores, so your temps would be absolutely fine, nothing to worry about dude :)

Woah 80. I was there thinking: Ohh damn i'm probably gonna melt my cpu now it's at 60 haha. Thanks for the answer. :)