i5 3570k vs AMD A10-6800k


May 30, 2012
Sorry to be petty guys but i need to settle this with a friend.

I bought an i5 3570k for £169.99 about a year ago and I run it at 4.6-4.8Ghz at fairly low temperatures (<50C)

My friend just bought an AMD A10-6800k for £110 and runs it at the default 4.1Ghz with 4.4Ghz turbo (says the product description). He seems to be convinced hes got much better bang for his buck.

Was just wondering what peoples opinion are on this?

Agree with Darksable. I would say the i5 spanks in this case. :) The A10 is great for certain situations (like if I am building my sister a system and I am looking for a cost effective all in one solution.), but if you need power the i5 with some discrete graphics will leave it in the dust.

Show him this thread. Now there are other people weighing in and siding with you. If he won't submit after that, he's just a poor loser.
The only way the A10-6800K would keep up with the Core i5-3570K in games would be running it without a graphics card. Because the 6800K has better integrated graphics.

As a pure CPU, the 3570K is just plain better. The 6800K is a bit of a waste of money as a pure CPU, since you can kinda get a cheaper version without the integrated graphics. The Athlon x4 750K is basically just a 6800K with support for up to DDR3-1866 instead of 2133, and with slower stock clocks - which is kinda moot for unlocked chips.
You guys are forgetting something he isn't talking about what is faster that is obvious he is saying he got a better deal and really i'll side with his fiend if that's what he is saying but if he spend 130-150$ on a APU to pair it with a video card then i'm calling him an idiot even though in the ideal world he will usually get 15% less performance for a decent number difference.

A A10 6800K is 150$ a I5 is 220 usually the difference is never 50% in performance but the difference in price is.
What video cards do you both have?

If he put that extra 70$ at a video card that could be the difference between a 7750 and a 7870 which is a HUGE difference in gaming compared to a A10 to the I5.
We both have gtx 670s he has an asus dual fan i have an msi dual fan.

I see your point jdwii but don't forget we live in the UK so the prices are different. Also, the i5 has been pointed out as being better even at stock and also has significantly better overclocking abilities so have you factored that into your argument seeing as I am able to overclock to 4.8Ghz.

You win then really only common sense comes into play tell him if he wanted to save money he should of gone with a 6 core Piledriver(even a 8 core 8320 would've costed the same) not a APU if he is just going to pair it with a video card. Not only did he make the wrong financial choice he also made it sound like he was right call him out.


Just goes to show if you don't do your research, you'll end up losing when you call your friend out on performance...

If he had bought a cheaper Athlon x4 750K, then he might have a point. But not with the 6800K.

The difference is minimal. Just add about 5% to the 5800. Both are based on Piledriver CPU cores. The only difference is the slightly higher clock speed. The graphics are better on the 6800 of course.