i5 3570K vs FX-6300


7870Ghz edition is a little bit faster than 680..
Actually, it's trade blows..

but since you'll use 3 monitor, get the highest amount of ram between those two..
Common 680 series available in 2GB vram.
Common 7970 series available in 3gb vram.

then it's easy, get 7970..

Doing that would go over my budget :/ how much bottleneck would I be getting with the FX-6300 @ 4.0 GHz and the 7970?
both processors will be fine. you should focus on a decent video card.
i run an fx 8350 and a gt 610 right now ( lol) and honestly i do alright with games such as WoW and gw2.
do you plan to crossfire?
are you elitist? do you need the best of the best? or are you looking for somthing good enough to run ultra settings on a some games or maybe mash out some mining sessions?

Elitist, no. I'm transferring from PS3 so anything over 30 FPS is an improvement. A 680 is $10 is that worth it because I plan on playing BF4 and with it being AMD optimised I was wondering if there would be any improvement on sticking with a 7970 instead of a 680?

I would prefer i5-3570k..... AMD FX processors bottlenecks GPUs... ! I had AMD FX-6100 that bottleneck GTX 650 Ti AMP! Edition ...AMD FX processors have poor physics and poor performance... Dont waste your money on FX processors...

Piledriver series has better IPC than bulldozer..you can't compare directly between fx6100 and fx6300.

and games right now is more GPU dependent..not cpu.
Strong GPU is main consideration if you want to build gaming machine, as long as you have "enough" raw cpu power.

Yes, fx processor is not very good for gaming purpose, but it is decent, and can provide enough power to feed data to gpu..

So, fx6300 + 7970 is the best combination for gaming machine..
It'll far more stronger than i5 3570k + 7870..

And don't forget to overclock that processor, with a decent cooling system, you can reach 4.4-4.5ghz, and it'll be a beast..
I would prefer i5-3570k..... AMD FX processors bottlenecks GPUs... ! I had AMD FX-6100 that bottleneck GTX 650 Ti AMP! Edition ...AMD FX processors have poor physics and poor performance... Dont waste your money on FX processors...

The FX 6100 is crap. That does not mean that the FX 6300 is too. They are very different. The FX 6300 trades blows with i5s. Besides, the FX 6300's priced is aimed at the i3s, which it spanks in most aspects.
Yes FX6300 is better than 6100 but still not meant for gaming purposes... In case of physics in gaming a good cpu is required...And AMD FX 6300 or higher do not have much good physics... Intel 4th gen processors are better...Yes price difference is there but you should not waste money on a less performance processor just to save money... (Personal experience)

Ok, I need an answer on this should I get a GTX 680 FTW 2GB

What will be the best for BF4 and Arma 3?
I'm gaming at 1366 x 768 but will be getting a 1920 x 1080 as soon as I get my PC.
7970's look nice. but a bit on the pricey side. for my broke butt anyways.
perhaps the 550 ti in crossfire would also be a nice option? i saw them at $75 just today from an online vendor.
and the stats looked pretty alright.

even two hd 7770's ghz editions would be pretty awesome.
those are also around 130 so pretty cheap.

as far as going with nvidia or radeon because of your apu choice, there really isnt a best match persay, but they will both work just fine.
nvidia is rumored to have better drivers over amd cards, but again i have only heard rumor and not seen proof of such.

I know just being safe, I want triple monitors as soon as I can afford it, so which will perform better overall?

you should go with the 7970 out of those three you just linked.
that would be your best bet and should work well for your gaming for quite awhile.

use pcpartpicker dot com to find the cheapest vendor for the card though.
just saving you a few bones brotha :)

So even with the 680's higher clock speeds the 7970 is still the better card?

Both of them are $30-60 dearer, which puts me over my budget :/
Which one is the best from the ones I linked?

Price to performance, yes. or as others call it "bang for your buck"
the 7970 will be plenty good and save you a few bones as well.
just checked pcpartpicker and looks like 280 at the egg. not a bad price at all considering the original site you linked was asking 350 for it.

that 7970 will be awesome with your current set up.