i5 3570k, will it bottleneck a GTX 1080 ti


Jan 21, 2008
I wanted to ask the community about this, i mentioned how upgrading to 4k monitor has place my PC into thermal limits most of the time with my current r9 390, so i have been thinking of upgrading to gtx 1080ti to max out my 60hz 4k monitor, someone mentioned it would be dumb because my CPU would hold the GPU back from performing.

In all the games i currrently play @ 4k, my cpu only ever goes up to 83% at max, usually in the 60's
Your CPU won't bottleneck that graphics card. Few video games will need more then that CPU. There are a select few that do, but in that case it is not your video card bottle-necking things but that game just needing more CPU horsepower.
Your CPU won't bottleneck that graphics card. Few video games will need more then that CPU. There are a select few that do, but in that case it is not your video card bottle-necking things but that game just needing more CPU horsepower.


Jan 21, 2008

The ONLY reason im even looking to buy a 1080ti is because i recently upgraded to 4k monitor and just the switch to 4k res in the games i already play took my average temps in game from 50/60c's to 75c+. I am currently running a R9 390 sapphire which is an open design card and on 1080p gaming i had no issues with heat really, but the 4k seems to have push it past what my system can deal with, so the GPU is basically heat soaking the CPU, because one of the games i play normally the GPU sits around 85-87c and VRAM around 99-101c with fans on auto, if i force the fans up just slightly i can easily get the temps back into the high 70's, but the audible noise from them is just to much to deal with. Also when i push the GPU fans up, the CPU temps plummet back down into the low 60's. So many over in the GPU side of the forum recommended i upgrade to a GPU that is more efficient at processing 4k graphics and because my 4k monitor is limited to 60hz, i was thinking of just investing in a card that will max it out basically at 60fps.

Currently i can game at 4k pretty well in most of my games, its just the GPU starts to throttle after 30+ mins of gaming and the cpu temps start climbing.

In regards to not upgrading the CPU, i really didnt personally have a reason to upgrade, the CPU isnt maxed out in anything i do currently, so what is the need to upgrade it? heck i dont even have it overclocked currently due to the temps, i had to reduce the clock back to stock base to drop the temps a slight amount during gaming.


Jan 21, 2008

That is what i was thinking also, just wanted to get additional input to assure my answer, i know some people add input that isnt always true, figured an answer from the masses would be more viable to be true.


Jul 4, 2014
If youre playing in 4k it will do fine. If you were playing in 1080p with a 144hz monitor you would see the cpu struggle a bit. Im actually upgrading to a 1080ti myself and im still running my i5 4670k haha.


Jan 21, 2008

the 1080ti just went back in stock tonight, i ordered one on newegg

Congrats, and thank you or your service.


Mar 19, 2015
The i5 4670 mildly bottlenecks my friend's 1070 OC.
1080 Ti ? Don't bother......
Get a 1080 and use the saved cash+a bit extended budget for a kaby lake setup

Don't forget that a few months ago, the 1080 was called by many "The Most Incredible Graphics Card Ever"
1080 is Decent Enough for 4K

Since you've ordered the 1080ti try to upgrade your system as soon as possible cause your i5 will soon struggle with the modern day 4K


Apr 29, 2010

I completely disagree.

1) The performance difference between the 3570K and the 4670 for gaming is 3-5 fps. Absolutely no noticeable gain in real-word performance. Haven't you heard that Intel has been coasting for the last five years while AMD was taking a nap? The new Kaby Lake will, again, be a few percent faster. Yawn. Upgrading a still very potent 3570K CPU will offer almost no appreciable improvement in gaming performance compared to splurging on the Ti. It's all about the GPU.

2) The 1080 is not that strong for 4K- it averaged about 55 fps across 15 tested games and dipped to 40 fps
( http://www.pcgamer.com/gtx-1080-review/ )

While certainly playable, that just cuts it today and things won't get any better down the road. That's exactly why a lot of folks waited for the 1080 Ti.

3) The 1080 Ti averages 68 fps across 16 games, dips to 50 fps. Much more playable and will not be outdated nearly as quickly as the 1080. It also has more vram.
( http://www.pcgamer.com/geforce-gtx-1080-ti-review/ )

4) You seem to misunderstand the nature of bottlenecking. The higher the resolution, the more the workload shifts away from the CPU and is placed on the GPU. Therefore, the OP will have less bottlenecking at 4K than (s)he would at 1440p or 1080p. I'd bet your friend is using a 1080p monitor.

Also, even a slightly bottlenecked 1080 Ti will still handily beat a 1080.

5) Yes, the OP should consider moving to an i7 for the next build, but right now it's a non-issue. 99% of the games out there are not coded to use hyperthreading.



Apr 29, 2010

Hi Storx,

It's been about two months since your original post. How are the 1080 Ti and your 3570K getting along?



Jan 21, 2008

Actually its doing very well, i have ever only had 1 game struggle with it @ 4k, most games the CPU sits in the 40-60% range with GPU settings at highest possible.. I am even contemplating adding a 2nd 1080ti to the same CPU... i run multiple business's off this PC so this computer is highly taxed 24/7 and its holding up fine is seems. To offset the purchase of going up to a GTX1080ti, i started getting into GPU mining, i already Asic mine with S9 Antminers passive income, the GTX1080ti since install setup so the intensity of the GPU mining comes second to whatever im doing with the PC... i can use it just fine without a single issue... for the first 5 seconds i start to use it, the Mining software has to detect im using it and scale back the mining intensity to allow me to use the PC, but in 2 months the GPU has mined $461 worth of Bitcoin at todays rates... so by next month it will have payed for itself, my cost would just be the electricity i consumed to process all that mining..


Apr 29, 2010

40-60% is excellent- no CPU bottleneck there. I'm getting a minor amount with my 3570k (4.4Ghz) and Aorus Xtreme 1080 Ti, but I'm using 1440p. Still, I'm happy with the framerates (100+ most games) and I'll move to 4k eventually. I was concerned about the card's performance when I first got it as I was having some fairly large dips in fps playing Rise of the TR, but then I read that the game is not well optimized. I then ran the Metro Last Light bench (a very demanding title) and the results were stellar. I wish I'd tried several games from the start as I was about ready to RMA the card after a few days of pulling my hair out trying to solve an unsolvable issue.

Anyway, glad to hear it's working out well for you, and two 1080 Ti's in SLI would be beastly. I haven't dabbled in Bitcoin mining, but your results have reignited my curiosity. Nice to hear that the program automatically throttles mining when the computer is in use for other purposes.