I5 4440 + ga-z97mx gaming 5 with ram 2133+mhz


Jan 29, 2016
Hi guys!

I wonder to know if woth this build (I5 4440 + GA-Z97MX Gaming) I can use 2x4gb 2133+mhz. If I change I5 4690k it's gonna solve it?
maybe ?? you only know once you install it fire it up and stability check and make needed adjustments

overclocking is at your own risk and nothing is guaranteed

you know to be honest I use non k chips on z boards with 1600 and all is well I don't mis overclocking one bit and have far less issues [but that's just me ]

you could go with a z97 and a xeon to get hyperthreading that a i5 don't have save a little over a i7 [but you will need a vid card and check your boards support of all xeons you can use on it ] I went with a z board so I can have sli and a better upgrade path if I needed it ..


if this is your board ?? looks like xeons are supported plenty in the supported cpu list


I just wanna use ram with 2133 ram or superior to do whatever I want in 8 years
well like with anything you buy - you try and hope it don't make you cry... your not going to know how the stability is going to be until after you fire it up and run it may work great then may not overclocking is not guaranteed that's all there is too it your best chances is with a k chip like the 4690k you posted above cause its unlocked so you can make adjustments to it if needed to get the memory stable


Thanks! If I choose 1600mhz, which brand do you recommends me? I want 2x4gb

cant say but I prefer g-skill .... to me Kingston seems to get a lot of issue threads here at toms for some reason??

I'm not trying to recommend this but its what I got in this z87 with a 4670 [non k ]


thing is I was not trying to scare you off the high speed memory just pointing out that it may not go quite as planed .. with the ''K'' chip it could be as easy as just setting the xmp profile and let her rip fine and dandy , but theres all ways that slight risk it may not and you will need to make bios adjustments all around to make it work and stable , and then it still may not ? that's all

its all part of running overclocked parts
well ok, like I was saying with a non ''k'' chip do the 1600 if you decide to go with a ''K'' chip the the higher speed may be fine I'd say with the k chip and setting the xmp of the higher speed memory you should have a 90% chance it will all be good , but theres all ways that slight risk that things could be finicky and need some fine tuning or find you may need to ''downclock'' a bit on the memory like say you got 2400 you may need to run it at something less to get stability ..

like tradesman1 said from here on luck of the draw


and here


one more question. if I buy 2133mhz I can use in 1600mhz without problem? In the future (about 4 years) I will change my cpu to i7 K family and I will use 2133mhz or more