I5 4440 is it still enough for gaming?...Pls help


Feb 18, 2017
Hey Guys I upgraded my GTX 960 2GB to GTX 1070 phoniex GS....My problem is I cannot get all out of my GTX 1070 in some CPU intensive parts of some games.....Fot example In Witcher3 Novigard I experience many CPU spikes and this results in Freezing for miliseconds and also in many games my CPU sits above 90 percent and GPU maynot be even above 80 though I get 60fps above in those cases..So what Cpu intensive settings I have to lower down to achieve full FPS from my GTX 1070...and is it worth going for I5 6500 or similar CPU...As I donot see much specs difference (quad core and no hyperthreading)...I cannot afford an I7 right now....
Lower or disable the following.
-Draw/View Distance.
-AA Settings.
-Shadow Quality.
-Any background programs that don't need to be on.

While the i5-4440 isn't the best CPU it's still decent for gaming and for most games should be fine paired with that GTX 1070. Also I wouldn't upgrade the CPU unless you move to a newer architecture such as Kabylake which will require a new motherboard and RAM.

Really? Well this is a tech forum. We're supposed to help with every kind and age of tech. And if we don't have info we just don't bother commenting.

WildCard999 is right, 4440 shouldn't be too bad, although you should've gone for a 1060 with instead a 4690 or 4790 I guess...
Anyway RAM could be a problem, how much do you have?
Just lower the game settings until Zen is released, its only about a month or so away. As for upgrades I would wait until Zen benchmarks are out so you can save up. From there you can determine if Zen will be a better upgrade or if Kabylake would be a better choice.
If Zen comes out to be pointless...I would have to wait one more year to afford a kabylake I7....I am only 15yo lol....Ok thanks guys anyways.....But I hope my I5 holds its nose till then
Just adjust/lower the settings I mentioned above, it should help. Also there's a way of getting a CPU similar to a i7 for much cheaper and that is the Xeon. The one I'd recommend for your H97 MB is the Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz, it has a higher boost clock and the extra hyper-threading like a i7.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($239.99 @ Jet)
Total: $239.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-02-18 12:31 EST-0500

You will want to check your motherboards CPU compatibility to ensure it will accept this Xeon.
There technically a server CPU but there just as effective as a i7, the only difference is most Xeon's don't have a iGPU (onboard graphics) but that doesn't matter since you have a dedicated GPU. If I didn't get such a good deal on my 4770K I would of gone with that exact model Xeon.
lol glad to make ya laugh for what its worth on the gaming sometimes its not the computer maybe its just the game
with it having glitches or not being updated enough or whatever I dont know if you ever looked up a game called assassins creed unity but when that game came out didnt matter what system you had was a or how powerful that game was like a glitch/error fiesta