i5-4440 vs i7-4771

nope, aside from hyperthreading and a bit higher clock speed.

the first of which games do not take much advantage of as of yet but later down the road they will, sweet spot would be the Xeon 1230v3 processor which is basically a locked i7 4770 with hyperthreading
nope, aside from hyperthreading and a bit higher clock speed.

the first of which games do not take much advantage of as of yet but later down the road they will, sweet spot would be the Xeon 1230v3 processor which is basically a locked i7 4770 with hyperthreading
That i7 is better than your current CPU, and yes you'll get a noticeable difference on Ultra gaming, but I'd not recommend you to upgrade now.

$320 for 500Mhz isn't worth it. I'd rather enjoy the 4440 as it's also a very good CPU right now and for atleast 2 more years for high-ultra gaming.

If you have a H97 MoBo, wait till Broadwell arrives.
I'm not really convinced Broadwell will be a meaningful upgrade, either. Upgrading to a new processor in the next consecutive generation from your current is usually a waste of money, especially these days when we see maybe ~5% performance increase between equivalent SKUs. Depends on how it benchmarks of course, but I wouldn't plan on it.

If you've got an i5-4440 right now, I say wait a few years.