I5 4460 Gtx 1060 900P?


Jan 27, 2018
Which one would I do

Buy a gtx 1060 6gb
Buy a 1050 ti and upgrade to a 1080p monitor

Please help me decide. If I pick gtx 1060 would it bottleneck a lot on a 900p monitor? Can I game on max settings 60fps on most games(AAA) like GTA 5 etc. with 900p no bottlenecking? Thanks

Please help me

My specs:
I5 4460
8gb ram ddr3
Asrock b85 usb 3 gaming mobo
600w psu
900p monitor
the 1050ti would be better suited for your 900P monitor, and a 1060 for a 1080P. Persoanlly I would invest in a 1060 and then try and find a sale on a 1080P monitor down the line. The only issue is that GPU prices are very high right now thanks to the crypto miners so you may not find a 1060 for a reasonable price.
So if I buy a 1060 for my 900p monitor and save up for a 1080p monitor. How would my 1060 perform on 900p? Can it be stable at 60fps possibly max settings on triple AAA games and new games?
A 1060 should allow you to run max settings I'd expect at 900p and has the potential to do this at 60fps and a lot more (every game is different). However fps is not only determined by your gpu, the cpu is important too. If the cpu can only push 50fps and your gpu can push 100fps you are only going to get 50fps and your gpu won't be fully utilised as its constantly waiting for information from the cpu.

You can try looking up cpu benchmarks for those games. The only one I play is Project Cars 2 but with fps capped at 60. Most of the time it runs at 60fps but the cpu cores all running at near max however races with rain or extra cars or occasionally just any race I will get fps drops into the 50's as the cpu is maxed out and cannot do 60fps. Now my 4670k @ 4.3 is a fair bit stronger than a 4460. I cannot tell you what fps you will get in PC2 but id expect less than 60 average. PC2 recommends a minimum of an i7 3770 and actually recommends 6700k. These are both 4 core CPU's but they have hyperthreading and therefore 8 threads, our old i5's are 4 core and 4 threads so are really considered under minimum spec in my view.

Even the best systems can bottleneck in the right circumstances. The 4590 is only a little better than a 4460, not worth changing in my opinion. Personally I'd just get the 1060 and stay with the 4460 if you plan to upgrade you monitor. If future games don't perform as well as you like you can consider a cpu/motherboard/RAM upgrade.
Different resolutions makes little difference to cpu workload, 60fps at 900p will usually take similar workload to say 4k 60fps. The main difference is the amount of work the gpu will do. The majority of games will run an average of 60fps or much higher but a few wont newer games won't.