i5-4460 or i5-4670k?

Owynn Quinton

Sep 30, 2014
So im not intending on overclocking in the foreseeable future but is there a reason i should chose the i5-4670k over the i5-4460. the 4460 is £132.99 and the 4670k is £165.99. worth the price if not overclocking. and i do intend on using a gtx 970 on this build. and i will only be playing on 1080p
the 4460 or any other quad core, non-K i5 with at least 3.2 GHz or higher stock clock speed would be more than enough for the GTX 970 in 99% of apps and games. Since you are not OC'ing, you will not need the k CPU or a Z motherboard. You can use an H81, H87, H91 or H97 motherboard which would save you even more money and have almost an identical system to a non overclocked 4670k + z87/z97 system. I'd use that extra money on a nice SSD and some higher clocked DDR3 RAM which would give you the best performance boosts for a non-OC'd system.
The K series are only worth if overclocking. If you are not going to - save yourself the money and instead of buying K series CPU, Z series motherboard and extra cooling - go and put that money in a video card or something. Cheers.

But if i sli later on will it cause any issues then?
the 4460 or any other quad core, non-K i5 with at least 3.2 GHz or higher stock clock speed would be more than enough for the GTX 970 in 99% of apps and games. Since you are not OC'ing, you will not need the k CPU or a Z motherboard. You can use an H81, H87, H91 or H97 motherboard which would save you even more money and have almost an identical system to a non overclocked 4670k + z87/z97 system. I'd use that extra money on a nice SSD and some higher clocked DDR3 RAM which would give you the best performance boosts for a non-OC'd system.

No, you don't need to have the ability to OC the CPU for SLI. As long as the motherboard supports SLI and you power supply can handle the extra power of more GPUs then you are fine.

what is the best "cheapest" motherboard to go into my system? with 2 PCI slots??
While many low end motherboards support AMD's crossfirex, SLI is a different story. You will need to spend at least $120 or so for a "bare bones" SLI compatible LGA 1150 motherboard. In fact, I think you will have to get a Z-series board. Only Z87 or Z97 boards come with SLI compatibility. The cheapest one I found doing a quick search on newegg is this Z97 from Gigabyte for $130 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128714&cm_re=z97_motherboard_SLI-_-13-128-714-_-Product You might be able to find a cheaper Z87 board somewhere else (newegg no longer stocks Z87 boards for some reason).

would this be an ideal mobo, one i found earlier and thought it looked good? http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00K80N54K/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE

That is a good motherboard but if you are planning on SLI, it won't work. It does have what appear to be two physical PCIe x16 slots but only one of them (the first one I think) is PCIe 3.0 x16. The other one is PCIe 2.0 x4. You need at least two PCIe x16 slots, preferably two PCIe 3.0 x16 slots running at x8 x8. This would be an awesome board, though, for a single good GPU which the GTX 970 is.
Take a look at this from the same site: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gigabyte-GA-Z87X-SLI-Motherboard-Multi-GPU-DualBIOS/dp/B00H4535Q0/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1412192333&sr=8-5&keywords=1150+sli+motherboard
Or this search results: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gigabyte-GA-Z87X-SLI-Motherboard-Multi-GPU-DualBIOS/dp/B00H4535Q0/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1412192333&sr=8-5&keywords=1150+sli+motherboard

So the Gigabyte GA-Z87X-SLI is a good mobo? cheaper than the other one aswell which i like as im on a budget build!

If it were me, sure, I'd go with the 4460 CPU and this Gigabyte motherboard. It isn't high end but you can do SLI on it and you also get three extra PCIe x1 slots for any potential add-ons in the future. And since it is a ATX Z87, you get many more features that you wouldn't have had with a smaller micro-ATX H-series such as more USB 3.0 ports, a better sound card, the ability to overclock the CPU and RAM if you want to, 4x DIMM slots vs 2x, better VRM, runs cooler, etc. If you get the 4670k, though, you will have the option to OC in the future if you ever change your mind but the 4460 should be just fine for several years and you may be able to boost the clock speed a bit or at least the turbo speed on it by playing around with the BIOS.

Sounds great! thankyou!