i5-4460 vs i5-4590


Aug 4, 2015
So I was getting an i5-4590 and I couldn't find it in any store near me cause they're all out of stock and I was thinking about the 4460, its only 0.1 ghz difference and my friend is telling me its so bad and there would be such a huge fps difference in games so I would like some help please.

PS: Can someone tell me how many fps difference is between the 4460 and the 4790k? Not a constant number ofcourse but a ratio.
Here's a link for the 4590 & 4460 being compared on CPU Boss. From what I can tell there's very little difference.



The 4790k is a noticeably stronger processor than the 4460, and the 'K' signifies that you can overclock it if you want to get even higher output than its base values. Here's a CPU Boss comparison between the 4460 and 4790k:


Please note, the 4790k is about double the price...
Its noticeably faster (the 4590), as for FPS difference though that would depend more on the GPU. I would still hold out and get the fastest thing you can.

As for the 4790k there comes a point of diminishing returns and in most games you won't see a massive difference. There is no way to say a ratio or number and anyone who gives you one without hard benchmarks with identical hardware is straight up conjecture.
Hmm, I have a gtx 960 and I've seen some people saying its only about 2-5 fps difference between the 4590 and 4460. I know that the 4790k is one of the beast gaming cpu's but after some math I found out that it goes like this:
4460 -> 3-4 fps -> 4590
4590 -> 0-5 fps -> 4690k
4690k -> 10-15 fps -> 4790k
Is it really about 20-25 fps difference? Please correct me If i'm wrong since I'm a noob at this...

4690K to 4790K is only 25fps in EXTREMELY RARE CASES. 95% of the time the 4690K is equal or slightly faster than the 4790K since in some games the hyperthreading for some strange reason can slow fps down a tad.

Hmm so I think I should go with the 4460 and save those extra 15 dollar