i5-4570 w/ 760 for gaming?


Mar 17, 2014
I am getting a new PC soon and would like to know if this would be good for gaming on ultra for the next 4 ish years.
8gb ram
( no I will not consider building my own no matter how awsome it may be)
Also would it be worth buying another 760 in a couple of years or just getting a good GPU to replace the 760.
Go with a 770 and a motherboard you can sli with if you're worried about future games. Also make sure the PSU is sufficient.
The GTX 760 on Ultra for the next 4 years... not likely. It will certainly play games 4 years down the road and probably do so at very playable FPS rates. You just may not be able to handle Ultra settings on high end, graphically-intense releases.
The 760 can run ultra on almost all games right now and high on the most demanding games out right now. In 2 years you will probably be playing all games on high with the most demanding at medium. No telling what is going to be out in 4 years but my guess would be medium settings. No guarantees on this info though, just my guess based on past experience.

You shouldn't run into problems with the i5-4570 CPU for 2-4 years though.

And remember, in 4 years, medium settings look like today's ultra settings do. So it's not like in 4 years you will be playing with bad graphics.
To be fair, there is only a handful of GPUs out right now that could theoretically do that and they demand a big price northward of $700.00 USD

Looking back 4 years ago from today..... nVidia was launching the GT & GTX 400 series cards..... could you imagine running one of those on BF4 today? Might be playable on Low settings but not very enjoyable.
Building your own is not the only option. Get a good tech friend and pay him with a six pack to help you build it on a rainy afternoon. Or pay a place to charge you an extremely high price. Or if you are younger, ask a couple of techy friends or their brothers if they could help build it.