I5 4590 or 4690


Nov 4, 2014
Guys....pls, Is there any differences between 4590 and 4690 in games ? Its only 200mhz different clock speed and 4590 is 20 euros cheeper. I have money, that is not my main problem, but is worth it to spen more money for 200 more mhz ? 😀

Good move. I...
If your keeping it for a while or want something as you say "worth upgrading fx 6300" then for me only the i5-4690k is the answer.

Its the best chip so why settle for less when you already have a half decent FX?
You already have the FX-6300?

It's NOT worth the hundreds of dollars it will take to switch to Intel- a new motherboard, new Windows installation, and a new CPU. Buy a CPU cooler like the 212 EVO, and overclock your FX-6300.

Hope that helps :)
I already OCed it to 4.5 GHZ and I have good cooler, but with GTX 970 the CPU some times cries. Games like Dying Light and Farcry 4 are realy so/so with the CPU on higher settings(not highest) I wanna something for next gen. gaming and AMD with new FX CPUs is slowly going to down, they are bad and the TPD is realy huge. Even 8320 or 8350...8 cores beated by i5 4590, realy ? Honestly, I am sick about AMD and even if 6300 did serve me very well it's time to go further. So this is why I asked about I5 CPUs. I think I will go for i5 4590 and with similar MOBO like I have now will cost about 300 euros, not so bad :) And I think the i5 4590 with GTX 970 will be good pair :) Any way, thx for answers guys, was relay helpful.

Good move. I would wait for Broadwell to come out, with your situation you would later regret jumping on Haswell now. It likely won't be a very big upgrade, but if you can wait, it will be worth it.
Okay: CPU: FX 6300 4.5GHZ......cooler is Gelid Tranquillo rev. 2
GPU: GTX 970 Gigabyte(no G1)
MOBO: Gigabyte 990FX-UD3
RAM: Kingston HyperX 8GB 1866mhz
HDD: 2x 500GB, 7200 RPM

It looks like, from this, (http://chinese.vr-zone.com/141850/intel-will-make-14nm-broadwell-first-after-launch-skylake-s-for-desktop-diy-market-01302015/) we will be looking at the beginning of summer (June) or so.