I5-4590 temp. 88°C idled


Jan 29, 2018
I’ve had my computer for a little more than two years and it was built stock except that a few weeks ago I upgraded my gpu to a nvidia 1060 founders edition. I recently found out that my pc was idling at 88°C and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know much about computers. I don’t know much about mine except that I have 8gb of ram, a nvidia 1060 and an Intel i5-4590 and 750 watts of power from the power supply. If you need me to find out more information I will but I’m pretty sure everything else is stock.
Your pc should idle at 10-15c. over ambient.

Likely, the cpu cooler has come loose, or perhaps the fan has stopped spinning.

Any cooler needs fresh air to do its job.
Do you have adequate air intake? Perhaps a intake fan has stopped?
If you take the case covers off, does that help.

On the likelihood that you are using the stock cooler and it has come loose, here are my canned instructions:

----------------how to mount the stock Intel cooler--------------

The stock Intel cooler can be tricky to install.
A poor installation will result in higher cpu temperatures.
If properly mounted, you should expect temperatures at idle to be 10-15c. over ambient.

To mount the Intel stock cooler properly, place the motherboard on top of the foam...
Your pc should idle at 10-15c. over ambient.

Likely, the cpu cooler has come loose, or perhaps the fan has stopped spinning.

Any cooler needs fresh air to do its job.
Do you have adequate air intake? Perhaps a intake fan has stopped?
If you take the case covers off, does that help.

On the likelihood that you are using the stock cooler and it has come loose, here are my canned instructions:

----------------how to mount the stock Intel cooler--------------

The stock Intel cooler can be tricky to install.
A poor installation will result in higher cpu temperatures.
If properly mounted, you should expect temperatures at idle to be 10-15c. over ambient.

To mount the Intel stock cooler properly, place the motherboard on top of the foam or cardboard backing that was packed with the motherboard.
The stock cooler will come with paste pre applied, it looks like three grey strips.
The 4 push pins should come in the proper position for installation, that is with the pins rotated in the opposite direction of the arrow,(clockwise)
and pulled up as far as they can go.
Take the time to play with the pushpin mechanism until you know how they work.

Orient the 4 pins so that they are exactly over the motherboard holes.
If one is out of place, you will damage the pins which are delicate.
Push down on a DIAGONAL pair of pins at the same time. Then the other pair.

When you push down on the top black pins, it expands the white plastic pins to fix the cooler in place.

If you do them one at a time, you will not get the cooler on straight.
Lastly, look at the back of the motherboard to verify that all 4 pins are equally through the motherboard, and that the cooler is on firmly.
This last step must be done, which is why the motherboard should be out of the case to do the job. Or you need a case with a opening that lets you see the pins.
It is possible to mount the cooler with the motherboard mounted in the case, but you can then never be certain that the push pins are inserted properly
unless you can verify that the pins are through the motherboard and locked.

If you should need to remove the cooler, turn the pins counter clockwise to unlock them.
You will need to clean off the old paste and reapply new if you ever take the cooler off.

When my pc overheats it brings up a overheat diagnostic that show's the tempurature and shows different settings for the fans and such. In the diagnostic thing it shows that my cpu cooler is running usually 1900-2000 rpm's and my other 2 case fans are running about 1300-1500 rpm's. Idk if that mean's that the cpu is mounted properly or not. All of the fan's are stock btw. I'm thinking it might be best to just upgrade my fans to newer ones as they are pretty old. Any thoughts?
ANY cooler should run about 10-15c. over ambient at idle.

You need to find out why you are not running properly.

Some possible causes:

1. Your cooler fan is not turning.
2. It has become dislodged and is not making good contact with the processor.
Nudge it. If it wiggles, remount it.
3. You are not getting air into the case for the cooler to work with.
Dangle a tissue in front of your front intake fans. Check that the airflow is into the case and strong.
If you take the case covers off, does that help?

I am using a stock cooler, I can let you know the name when i get home today if need be.

The fans are all working, ill check later today to see how well it is connected to the processor. My pc does gather a lot of dust though so that could be a problem. After thinking about it I might get a stand for it and clean it a little more often. Last time i cleaned it it wasn't the best job. Thank you for your help so far, you have been really helpful and any thoughts on this new idea?

I'm working on getting compressed air to clean it better because i dont have any right now. I have two case fans, one cpu and one in my gpu. The ones in my case and cpu are stock. I dont know much about computers so if i have to reapply thermal paste and stuff like that it will be my last resort.