i5 4670k can't be OC'd beyond 4.0Ghz.


Mar 7, 2014
I am new to OCing and I have done it through the bios but due to bad results I did it through through the dual intelligent processors a software that comes with my MoBo.

My specs: 750W Seasonic PSU, EVGA GTX 780 sc, 8g corsair vengeance and a h100i cooler, ASUS maximus vi hero as my mobo.

Obviously the cooling isn't an issue. My PC always crashes if I OC anything to 4.4 or beyond - before it reaches the windows screen it crashes, if I am lucky I get to my desktop then it immediately crashes. My PC is relatively stable at 4.2 but it crashes after a few hours or so.

Am I just incredibly unlucky with my CPU or am I missing something?

The temps are fine, I max out on like 60/65 if that when running Prime95 with 4.2GHZ. I get like 40/50 average while gaming.