i5 4670k improve these temps?


Jul 10, 2013
Ok I just overclocked my i5 4670k to 4.2GHz at 1.2v.

I ran intelburntest at standard testing for 30 tests.

Here are the temp results - http://gyazo.com/e6807c79c5d50c42fc28a5d5b0558856

I'm using a h100i and pull configuration with corsair sp120 quiet edition. With a h100i I should be aiming for temps around 70 not 100! Clearly somethings wrong, I'm going to apply new thermal paste tomorrow to see if that helps. If not, any suggestions? Faulty h100i?
You might need a custom water loop to get cooler than what the H100i can do. However, a more effective way would be to lower the voltage if possible. If you have your LLC setting at highest, you could try to see if your OC is stable at a slightly lower LLC setting. Keep in mind the you will have greater Vdroop by doing this, but you could reduce the voltage of the Vcore and in turn knocking down those temps a bit. But, Haswell chips run hot to begin with. If you are reporting temps during the Prime95 small FFTs then realize that is to make the chip as hot as possible. Blend testing will show much lower temps. If Blend is about 60-70'C you'll be fine with your clock. Also try to use OCCT and Aida64 to compare testing and temps.

Will do, my cpu cooler is the Corsair h100i.
You might need a custom water loop to get cooler than what the H100i can do. However, a more effective way would be to lower the voltage if possible. If you have your LLC setting at highest, you could try to see if your OC is stable at a slightly lower LLC setting. Keep in mind the you will have greater Vdroop by doing this, but you could reduce the voltage of the Vcore and in turn knocking down those temps a bit. But, Haswell chips run hot to begin with. If you are reporting temps during the Prime95 small FFTs then realize that is to make the chip as hot as possible. Blend testing will show much lower temps. If Blend is about 60-70'C you'll be fine with your clock. Also try to use OCCT and Aida64 to compare testing and temps.

Hi, thanks for the reply! I replaced the thermal paste on my CPU and I was still reaching temps of up to 100 degrees on realtemp. However I also used the other software you recommended such as prime95 and my temps stay at high 70's. I guess intelburntest just kicks my i5's ass a little xD
Aida64, Prime95, IntelBurnTest, and OCCT all use different logarithms to push the cores on your CPU. So, testing with all and getting them all to be stable is highly recommended, but very impractical. Prime95 is good for most things, but it has been found to be a bit rough and cause clocks that would otherwise be stable on the other programs to become unstable. Especially during the small FFT test. This is especially true for AMD CPUs compared to Intel CPUs.

One of my colleague from my work place said with his current PC, when he overclocked it he used prime95 for a few hours and it was fine. He then used intelburn test and after 2 minutes it BSOD. However thank you for replying and your recommendation.
I did some research online and found most people who overclocked their 4670k or 4770k and used the h100i were getting temps around 60c under load. So I came to the conclusion the my h100i was faulty in some way (I 100% installed it correctly). So I took back my h100i to the store I got it from and through some complications I ended up with a h60.
My temps now are 30c at idle and between 60-70c under load. Sometimes the temps rise up to 90c for a couple of seconds but come straight back down.
I am very happy with this result and the h60. I heard a lot of negative reviews about it and its more of a water cooling solution for low end CPU's and would not perform well for overclocking. I did lower my clock to 4GHz from 4.2GHz to slightly help with the temp.