i5-4670K OC bsod help! Crashes while gaming.


Sep 17, 2017

I need help with overclocking my cpu i5-4670k and my mobo is Asus-z97 a. The cpu generates a lot of heat even though its water cooled. I usually get bsod not sure what the code was but i get it once in a while playing PUBG.

Can you guys help me get this stable.




Overclocking is a trial and error process. Bump up the clock, run benchmark, add voltage if crashing...repeat. Every chip is different due to imperfections in the processor die while manufacturing. Being liquid cooled may let you push it a little further than on air but not always by a large factor. Also keep in mind that PUBG is not a finished product. It crashes on me often, especially after this last update, but my machine is stable while running all other games and applications.

Do some research on overclockers.net and use Prime95 to benchmark your OC.

Hi, i did some time ago bumping the vcore step by step but i still think the cpu generates too much heat, not sure if i have he pics/logs for that anymore. I have also changed my PSU, i don't know if it affects but both my gpu and cpu runs in the same cooling loop.


I don't know but sometimes i get small spike lag but its only for like less than a second. I get from 1 csgo comp game abt 87-95c.
Well yea, if it gets that hot it will downclock itself. You could double check the thermal paste, or re-seat your heatsink. Also you could bring down the clock and the voltage a bit. The voltage is what really generates the heat. A few hundred Mhz isn't going to give you a noticeable improvement in game. You're better off with a stable system and longer lifespan.

Overclocking is generally a niche/enthusiast practice. It takes time, testing, data analysis, and patience. There is no magic formula. Again, every chip is different.

Sounds to me like you're just looking for more performance. If your board has an automatic OC feature, I'd just use that unless you are a serious overclocker. I used Prime95 for testing and pushed my i5 to 4.7Ghz. It was totally stable but running hot so I knocked it down to 4.6 and started dropping voltage until I had it right on the edge of stable. Lately I've even just dropped it to 4.5Ghz and have not noticed ANY difference in any game - including PUBG.

Okay thank you for your answer i will try this and will post results.
Thats never happened to me. The only time something similar has happened is when I OCd my RAM too much. I had to reset my BIOS to default and start again.

You ran the ez tuning wizard and you couldnt access BIOS after that? Did your computer just freeze up? Maybe your CPU or RAM couldnt handle it? Try the next step down and see what happens...But Im afraid you might have a CPU issue?
Doesnt sound good. Maybe some kind of configuration issue? try resetting BIOS to default if you can access. Is the BIOS indicator on your mobo show a failure? Try resetting cmos maybe? Re flash BIOS? If you can do that, try again and if it keeps happening, go down the list of possible suspects...Either something in BIOS or a dying CPU. I could be totally wrong tho and I hope someone else with more knowledge can help you!

I tried and it always came to the same problem, i don't really know what i should do right now or where the problem is.

Sorry i've been away for a while. I don't have any spare parts.. i think this is the 3rd mobo i've used with the cpu.
Sounds like something is bad. Doesnt sound like a BIOS issue. All you can do is troubleshoot hardware now.

Unless Im wrong, hopefully, it is just a configuration issue but sounds hardware related to me.