i5-4670k or i7-4770K (Gaming & HyperV LAB) ONLY

Hussein Mahfouz

Jun 22, 2013

I will be using my PC for (Gaming & HyperV LAB) ONLY

i want to buy the only power i will be use. no need to buy very powerful CPU i won't use all it's power.

I want to run max 6 virtual machines at the same time for lab only not a live production system such as domain controllers and SQL and Microsoft system center products SCOM,SCCM, etc..

My current CPU is i7-2600 but my cpu & motherboard is 3 years old "P67A-UD3R-B3" and i want to replace it "avoiding hardware crash" so i decided to go with new build. also i would like to oc my new cpu to 4.5GHz.

Can the I5 handle 6 virtual lab servers (stable performance) at the same time with the physical os. (total 7) ?

Look i wud reccomend u to wait and buy the i7 after u got budget
But if u r on need to change then change to haswell i5 4670k n a good cpu cooler and overclock it so that u can acheive performance u want

My advice for i7 was to ensure that the system will last more longer n u ll not need to change for atleast 3 years for same or even some more amount of work

Dont forget to close d post if sattified with the answer

i5 would not be able to perform
get an i7 u ll get benifit of hyprthrdin in running 6 simultaneously
u ll be very much satisfied with each xtra penny u spent over i7 from i5


Thank you for ur reply,

i am on limited budget. and my current CPU is 2600 none-k 3 years old.

Do you recommend buy new motherboard for this processor z77 for example
Change the platform to ivy or haswell but get I5-k edition with z87 mb i never tried to OC and i am not sure if i will notice the difference if i oc to 4.5
Look i wud reccomend u to wait and buy the i7 after u got budget
But if u r on need to change then change to haswell i5 4670k n a good cpu cooler and overclock it so that u can acheive performance u want

My advice for i7 was to ensure that the system will last more longer n u ll not need to change for atleast 3 years for same or even some more amount of work

Dont forget to close d post if sattified with the answer

Do i consider FX-8350 as option compared to i5-k ? specially for virtualization!
i know both are same in gaming.