i5 4670K temp goes over 93c after overclocking to 4Ghz?

Jurassic Park

Dec 18, 2015
Hello everybody,

I have question regarding overclocking my CPU.
I have aftermarket cooler,and I tried to OC my i5 4670k to 4Ghz with default voltage.
However,once I ran Prime 95 and started to stress test with it,my HWmonitor says temps go over 90-100c.
I tried to overclock it to 4,4Ghz with 1.350v,but it was only hotter and reached 100c in minute or so.

Could you please tell me why does CPU run so hot and how can I fix it?

Every comment is welcome!
I'm not an expert by any means but leaving default voltage on is likely the cause of it heating up so much. I have mine setup at 4.4ghz with 1.225V and it never gets hotter than 70 degrees.

Edit: Sorry I didn't see you'd tried setting the voltage to 1.35v - I've read that these chips are really hard to keep cool. In the results I've seen for it, I don't think I've seen anyone successfully keep it at a reasonable temperature with that much voltage.

I have this cooler:
When I stress test it on default,temps were around 73-76c

In your opinion,what ratio of voltage/CPU Ghz should I try?
I know all CPU is silicon lottery,but what would it be a ''sweet spot'' for you?


I just applied paste and tight it more with screw driver,but now PC won't boot,so I pulled out battery and now I'm waiting for some time so it may boot properly.Once it boot,I'll check temps.


I manage to boot PC,and I tested CPU with HWmonitor on stock.Temperature was around 60-ish.
I downloaded old version of Prime95 26.2 because I heard it's better for Intel's processors and it will give more accurate results,so that's may be the reason why it run so hot?
Now I overclocked CPU on 4,3Ghz and I raised volt on 1.330v,and I'm testing it for the last 15 minutes.
So far the max temp was 82c.
Is that good temperature for CPU,or is it still a bit too hot?
For how long should I test it with Prime95 to see is it 100% stable?
You have a serious problem with your cooler, it should be better than what you are getting. You should make sure it's clean and paste is adequate. Also if you added more paste, which one?
You really don't want to put more than 1.3 in your cpu, and i wouldn't even go that high. Cpu hits melt down when you get 1.3+ and needs decent cooling. You should get 4Ghz without upping the voltage.


I just applied new paste which came with cooler,it's called LC Power.
I applied paste which was as big as grain of rice.
I set voltage at 1.300 (frequency is 4,3Ghz) and now,after 45 minutes of Prime95 I got max temp

Guys,can you tell me how long should I run Prime95 and when will I see highest max temperature?

I lower voltage to 1.270v and it didn't crashed in 30 minutes,temp is 80c and I will lower it on 1.245v and see if it's stable.
You said that 10 minutes is enough to get max temp,but I ran it for 1 hour and temp keeps raising and raising which is weird...


So,all in all,if Prime95 runs for 45 minutes without crashing and temps aren't above 78c is a good,stable overclock,right?
P95 Didn't crash,but once I restarted my PC,I got message (before BIOS) that I can press F1 to go into BIOS or F2 to Reset setting to default.
That happened few times,but not always,so that means OC wasn't completely successful?