i5 4690k 4.4GHz @ 1.285Vcore around 85 degrees intelburntest


Dec 15, 2016
Hello I am new here and I have a question to ask, basically I have overclocked my i5 4690k processor and it's currently running at 4.4GHz @ 1.285v.

I got BSoD at 1.275v while playing Battlefield 1 around 2 hours in, so I have increased the voltage for now but I ran the Intel burn test to see how the temps are doing and I feel like it's too hot, around 82 100% load.

Is this normal? I am indeed using an aftermarket CPU cooler.

Cooler: http://imgur.com/a/Yf8Vl

Thermal paste: http://imgur.com/a/BRxke

CPU-Z: http://imgur.com/a/MFH9S

HWINFO: http://imgur.com/a/N8kAt

Sincerely KappeBoiiiii 😀

Just see what you can get it stable at. Higher voltages dont always mean higher temps. Anything under 1.3 is pretty low by OC standards.

VMX is the virtual machine config and am not sure it makes any difference unless you are using virtualization tech. Is probably disabled by default but you can enable in BIOS I believe.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_machine
Anything over 80c is a bit high for me, but a lot of people would say it's ok. You are operating at the extreme end of acceptable though. If it's stable, go with it, but yes keep a v close eye on temps and voltages. Your cooler is mid-range and could be improved a little, but should be fine.
I feel like that too, I got BSoD at 1.275v should I just test it at 1.280v instead of 1.285v?

Also the HWinfo program tells my CPU that the VMX is disabled, what does it do? Should I enable it? I don't know why it is disabled 😛